Special Use definition

Special Use means land used or a building designed or used for any use other than one of the uses specifically defined in this Scheme and/or mentioned in the definitions;
Special Use. (spesiale gebruik) means a use which is unique, or in respect of which the land use restrictions are so specific, that no provision has been made for it in this Scheme, and which is defined in detail by means of conditions of approval;
Special Use means an activity not included in the operations of the CRD, that is carried on in the water supply area lands by persons who are not employees or contractors of the CRD;

Examples of Special Use in a sentence

  • Under the authority of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act, NOAA may consider authorizing installation of energy transmission cables within sanctuary boundaries through one or more of the following mechanisms – General Permits, Authorizations, Certifications, and Special Use Permits.

  • The Property may be devoted to commercial uses such as retail, restaurant, office or as allowed by right or subject to Special Use Permit or special use conditions, together with any incidental or accessory uses associated therewith that are permitted under the Heritage District Form Based Code in the HD-CO zoning district.

More Definitions of Special Use

Special Use means a category of uses listed within a zoning district that requires review before the Planning Commission and city Council to determine their compatibility with the surrounding area and comprehensive plan.
Special Use means and includes but is not limited to the use of groundwater for groundwater heat pump systems or artificially recharging a groundwater basin or subbasin.
Special Use means any use of state land other than for grazing, agriculture, the extraction of minerals, or uses authorized under easements granted pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board, or hunting, fishing and general recreational uses pursuant to Chapter 13 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board. Specifically, “Special use” includes leases for industrial, commercial and recreational (as defined by W.S.36-5-115) purposes.
Special Use means on-going recreational or commercial activities, authorized by the qRD under an agreement, open to the general public, and conducted within or on Savary Island Marine Service Infrastructure, subject to the Regional Parks Regulation Bylaw No. 325, 1999;
Special Use means a use that because of its unusual, large-scale, and/or unique impacts requires additional scrutiny and mitigation, above and beyond the requirements of a conditional use, and for which the Monroe [CITY COUNCIL ]hearing examiner is the final decision-making body.
Special Use means to manufacture, obtain, possess, use, administer, or dispense a controlled substance for purposes that include, but are not limited to, scientific research, instructional activities, chemical analysis, drug-detecting animal training, and euthanasia in humane shelters.
Special Use area means an area, zone or precinct, however described, in which land may be used only for purposes specified in the applicable planning scheme as “special use”.