Examples of Special use in a sentence
The proposed development plan shall comply with the conditional or special use standards, as applicable, pursuant to Section 5140.B, Conditional Use Standards or Section 5140.C, Special Use Standards, if the proposed use is specified as a Conditional or Special use in Table 2200, Use Schedule.
Special use permit requested for an indefinite period of time, to allow a DSL utility structure.
Special use valuation under the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 450B is in lieu of valuing the real estate at its fair market value in the ordinary course of trade under Iowa Code section 450.37.
Special use plot reserved for the specific purpose shall not be utilized for any other purpose.
PART 5235 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTING5235.015 Contracts for research with educational institutions and nonprofit organizations.5235.015-70 (DFARS 235.015-70) Special use allowances for research facilities acquired by educational institutions.