Examples of Specific Approval in a sentence
For the avoidance of doubt, all distributions made on the Issuance Date and, thereafter, all exercises of Special Warrants and all exchanges of Stock, shall be subject to the 4.99 Percent Rule, the 22.5 Percent Rule, the Declaratory Ruling Compliance Rule, the Specific Approval Rule, the FCC’s media and foreign ownership rules, and any limitations on Stock ownership set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation of Reorganized iHeart.
On-site sewage facilities that comply with all TCEQ requirements require Specific Approval.
All other organizations should include these costs in Remaining 6200—Professional and Contracted Services That Do Not Require Specific Approval.
Date of last review: Spring 2022 Author:F Moorfield / J Taylor/ D Richards/ T O’Brien Date of next review: Spring 2023 Owner:Thom O’Brien (Vice Principal Behaviour) Fran Moorfield (AssistantHeadteacher) Type of policy:☐ Network wide☐ School Level☒ School Specific Approval: School: Ark Kings AcademyKey Contact Name:Mr T O’BrienMrs F.
Some costs require specific approval and must be specifically budgeted in the application, while other costs do not require specific approval and will be included in the Remaining 6200 - Professional and Contracted Services That Do Not Require Specific Approval line.