Specified Investment definition
Examples of Specified Investment in a sentence
Legislation relating to the federal income taxation of Specified Investment Flow Through (“SIFT”) trusts or partnerships provide that certain distributions from a SIFT will not be deductible in computing the SIFT’s taxable income and that the SIFT will be subject to tax on such distributions at a rate that is substantially equivalent to the general tax rate applicable to Canadian corporations.
Under current tax legislation, a mutual fund trust that is not a Specified Investment Flow-Through Trust (“SIFT”) pursuant to the Income Tax Act (Canada) is entitled to deduct distributions of taxable income such that it is not liable to pay income taxes provided that its taxable income is fully distributed to unitholders.
A REIT is not taxable and not considered to be a Specified Investment Flow-through Trust provided it complies with certain tests and it distributes all of its taxable income in a taxation year to its unitholders.
If no Delivery Date occurs, then any Specified Investment shall mature no later than the 15th day after the Cut-Off Date.
Pengrowth’s ability to issue trust units and convertible debt is subject to external restrictions as a result of the Specified Investment Flow-Through Entities Legislation (the SIFT tax).