Surface coal mining operations definition

Surface coal mining operations means both:
Surface coal mining operations means: (A)
Surface coal mining operations means activities conducted on the sur- face of lands in connection with a sur- face coal mine or surface operations and surface impacts incident to an un- derground mine, as defined in section 701(28) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (30 U.S.C. 1291(28).

Examples of Surface coal mining operations in a sentence

  • Pursuant to appropriate petitions, lands listed in §12.71(a) of this title (relating to Areas Where Surface Coal Mining Operations are Prohibited or Limited) are subject to designation as unsuitable for all or certain types of Surface coal mining operations under this Division and Division 4 of Subchapter F (relating to Lands Unsuitable for Mining).

  • Surface coal mining operations on lands eligible for remining shall not affect the eligibility of such lands for reclamation and restoration under this title after the release of the bond or deposit for any such operation as provided under section 519.

  • Surface coal mining operations routinely encounter perennial and intermittent streams in both steep-slope and non- steep-slope areas.

  • Surface coal mining operations in the Park or in certain parts of the petition area outside the Park could cause significant damage to important natural systems of the Park, including: • Threatened and endangered species of fish and wildlife and their habitats in the park.

  • Surface coal mining operations in the Park or in the petition area outside the Park could cause significant damage to the important cultural values of the Park, including recreational, educational and religious activities.

  • Surface coal mining operations for which a permit has been issued by the Permit Board pursuant to Miss.

  • Surface coal mining operations in this type of terrain are particularly subject to the effects of erosion that result in the formation of deep gullies, excessive runoff, mass movement, and sedimentation of the receiving streams.

  • Surface coal mining operations and specialty in lignite coal mines, there will be severe environmental problems for the cities near the mines (caused by suspended particles of coal dust and the passage of mining machines), which cannot be ignored.

  • Surface coal mining operations which qualify for a variance from AOC requirements under this section are obligated to adhere to Section 785.16 which limits variances for steep slope operations.

  • Surface coal mining operations not required to obtain permits under the interim regulatory program would not be affected by the change.

More Definitions of Surface coal mining operations

Surface coal mining operations or "mining operations" means:
Surface coal mining operations means: … The areas upon which such activities occur or where such activities disturb the natural land surface. Such areas shall also include any adjacent land the use of which is incidental to any such activities, …. NDAC 69-05.2-01-02 (1) specifically defines land outside a permit area:
Surface coal mining operations means activities conducted on the surface of lands in connection with a surface coal mine and surface impacts incident to an underground coal mine. The activities shall include excavation for the purpose of obtaining coal, including such common methods as contour, strip, auger, extended depth secondary recovery systems, mountaintop removal, box cut, open pit, and area mining, the use of explosives and blasting, and in situ distillation or retorting, leaching, or other chemical or physical processing, and cleaning, concentrating, or other processing or preparation, and the loading of coal at or near the mine site. Excavation for the purpose of obtaining coal includes extraction of coal from refuse piles. The activities shall not include the extraction of coal by a landowner of fifty (50) tons or less within twelve (12) successive calendar months for his own noncommercial use from land owned or leased by him; the extraction of twenty-five (25) to two hundred fifty (250) tons of coal as an incidental part of privately financed construction where the coal is donated to a charitable or educational organization for noncommercial use or noncommercial distribution; the extraction of coal as an incidental part of federal, state, or local government
Surface coal mining operations means activities conducted on the surface of lands in connection with a surface coal mine and surface impacts incident to an underground coal mine.
Surface coal mining operations means activities conducted on the surface of lands in connection with a surface coal mine and surface impacts incident to an underground coal mine. The activities shall include excavation for the purpose of obtaining coal, including such common methods as contour, strip, auger, extended depth secondary recovery systems, mountaintop removal, box cut, open pit, and area mining, the use of explosives and blasting, and in situ distillation or retorting, leaching, or other chemical or physical processing, and cleaning, concentrating, or other processing or preparation, and the loading of coal at or near the mine site. Excavation for the purpose of obtaining coal includes extraction of coal from refuse piles. The activities shall not include the extraction of coal by a landowner of fifty

Related to Surface coal mining operations

  • Mining Operations means obtaining or extracting any mineral by any mode or method or any purpose directly or indirectly connected therewith or incidental thereto, including—

  • Mining operation means any operations undertaken for the purpose of winning any mineral as defined in section 3 (d) of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957.

  • Refinery means a facility for the manufacture or reprocessing of finished or unfinished petroleum

  • Mine means to carry on an operation with a view to, or for the purpose of—

  • Cannabis plant means any plant of the genus Cannabis;

  • CBM means Capacity Benefit Margin.

  • Coal means any solid fuel classified as anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, or lignite.

  • Plant means the machinery and apparatus intended to form or forming part of the Works.

  • Exploration Operations means any operations carried out for or in connection with the exploration for minerals, and includes -

  • Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.

  • Project site, where applicable, means the place indicated in bidding documents.