SPP Tariff definition
Examples of SPP Tariff in a sentence
Nothing in this Agreement is intended to modify or change any obligations or rights under any tariff (including the SPP Tariff), any rate schedule, or any other contract.
Nor does this Agreement make any Party a Market Participant under the SPP Tariff.
A Party seeking to become a Market Participant must apply to SPP under the terms of the SPP Tariff and nothing in this Agreement affects its rights or obligations as a Market Participant.
Customer shall pay the monthly delivery charges invoiced by the RTO in accordance with SPP Tariff, and with respect to such charges Customer shall be subject to SPP creditworthiness provisions.
Its responsibilities include recommending modifications to the SPP Tariff.
These revisions to the SPP Tariff do not require any contracts or agreements.
If the Customer receives Transmission Service through an agreement with a third party that contracts with SPP, the charges for Interconnection and Local Delivery Services hereunder may be invoiced to the third party subject to SPP’s accommodations and applicable provision of the SPP Tariff or to the Customer, subject to applicable provision of the AEP Tariff.
If the Customer receives Transmission Service through an agreement with a third party that contracts with SPP, the charges for Delivery Services hereunder may be invoiced to the third party subject to SPP’s accommodations and applicable provision of the SPP Tariff or to the Customer, subject to applicable provision of the AEP Tariff.
Modifications shall be subject to the approval process set forth in Attachment O of the SPP Tariff as may be applicable.
In the event the designated representatives are unable to resolve the claim or dispute through unassisted or assisted negotiations within thirty (30) Calendar Days of the non-disputing Parties’ receipt of the Notice of Dispute, such claim or dispute shall be submitted for resolution in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures of the SPP Tariff which is hereby adopted mutatis mutandis.