Examples of SPV Issuer in a sentence
Accordingly, any person making or intending to make an offer in Ireland of the Notes which are subject of the offering contemplated in this Offering Memorandum may only do so in circumstances in which no obligation arises for the SPV Issuer or the Initial Purchasers to publish a prospectus pursuant to Regulation 12 of the Irish Prospectus Regulations or supplement a prospectus pursuant to Regulation 51 of the Irish Prospectus Regulations, in each case, in relation to such offer.
Upon the payment of all Rental Rates and the Dissolution Distribution Amount, the obligations of the SPV/ Issuer in respect of the Certificates shall be satisfied and no Holder of the Certificates may take any further steps against the Issuer/Trustee to recover any further sums in respect of the Sukuk and the right to receive any such sums unpaid shall be extinguished.
None of the SPV Issuer or the Initial Purchasers have authorized, or do authorize, the making of any offer of the Notes in circumstances in which an obligation arises for the SPV Issuer or the Initial Purchasers to publish or supplement a prospectus for such offer.Spain.
SIAST has existing financial and program resources to deliver the primary care NP advanced certificate program for 15 full-time students annually.
Figure 7 Sukuk al-Mushāraka Formation and Funding Holders Sukuk Proceeds Mushāraka AgreementIssuerMurabaha AgreementProjectCompanyI‐1PC‐1I‐2MushārakaI‐n The Project Company (which may be an asset originator) will form the Mushāraka with an SPV Issuer pursuant to the Mushāraka Agreement.
If provided in the Final Terms, the Lending Company may extend the repayment schedule of one or more of the Borrower’s Loan Agreements without the consent of the SPV, Issuer or the Noteholders provided that (a) there is no event of default under any of the Borrower’s Loans Agreement, (b) any change is restricted by ‘Limit on the number of Extensions’ and ‘Total maximum time limit of Extensions’ as specified in the Final Terms and (c) any change is notified on the Platform to the Noteholders.
However, this is a commitment made when entering into this Agreement and we will honor the stated discount of the Agreement that you executed for at least the first renewal period following any changes or the benefit of the better of the two.
In particular, it is my understanding that each Non-Debtor SPV Issuer is (and has been since its formation) a spe...
The SP Code requires that the obligations of an SPV Issuer to investors under the terms of a structured product be either (i) guaranteed by a guarantor meeting the eligibility requirements discussed above (and set out in Chapter 3 of the SP Code), or (ii) secured against collateral which meets the criteria set out in Chapter 5 of the SP Code (see paragraph 98 below).
Herpes zoster vaccine live: A 10year review of post- marketing safety experience.