Standard Sign definition

Standard Sign means a Sign that exists in the Ministry’s Catalogue of Standard Traffic Signs or the Catalogue of Supplemental Traffic Signs for which a fabrication record sheet exists for manufacture, including, but not limited to regulatory, warning, guide, construction, school, information, service and attraction typify standard signs.
Standard Sign means a sign in accordance with AS 1743 or a sign detailed on the Department’s Sign Index.
Standard Sign means a sign that does conform to the MUTCD’s standards or guidance for sign design, including color, shape, size, lettering, legend, borders, and reflectivity.

Examples of Standard Sign in a sentence

  • At the direction of the Engineer, when closing parking lots to traffic, one Type III barricade with Standard Sign R11-2 or R11-4 (ROAD CLOSED) mounted shall be used.

  • Jensen and Thompson (1992) reflect on the situation:The Institute’s early experience strongly suggested that, although an enormous body of literature already sought to delineate the most useful ways to attain a more peaceful world, considerable confusion and competition existed among proponents of the various approaches.

  • If it is determined to prohibit pedestrian movement across any approach, that prohibition must be clearly visible to pedestrians by use of Standard Sign R9-3a on each side of the prohibited crosswalk.

  • Standard Signs with Portable Supports will be calculated and paid for as follows: Total Standard Sign Sq. Ft + Portable Support Cost (listed in Table 2563-1) = Standard Signs with Portable Supports Cost per day.

  • On October 4, 2002, Ellen Lance, Judy Jacobs (Service), Ryan Winn and Robin Leighty (COE), Rick Trupp and Jeff Hastings (FG), Brian Lance (National Marine Fisheries Service), Caryn Rea (Phillips Alaska, Inc), and Donna Robertson (MACTEC), met to discuss the section 7 consultation process, known abundance information on Steller’s eiders in Lower Cook Inlet, and possible measures that could be taken to avoid risk to Steller’s eiders as a result of the seismic surveys.

  • Signs shall be fabricated in accordance with designs contained in the ODOT Standard Sign Design Manual and FHWA Standard Highway Signs Manual.

  • As the local conditions in each district are different, manual input of data (codes numbers, EMS numbers, sizes, colors, etc.) for different signs is usually slow and requires very focused attention, and it often relies on memorization of the codes and numbers from the Standard Sign Design Manual.

  • Make sign from 18 gauge steel with Porcelain Enamel finish, Red "Danger" header with all other copy and symbols black on white background, size 8.5" x 14", 4 holes with 1/2" i.d. brass grommets, located 1/2" in from each corner, (Standard Sign Blank).

  • The following devices will have a 365 Day maximum pay out allowance: Type I Barricade, Type II Barricade, Direction Indicator Barricade, Type III Barricade, 48 X 48 Inch Standard Sign, 48 X 48 Inch Standard Sign with Portable Supports, Standard Signs, Standard Signs with Portable Supports, Standard Signs Portable Support Cost per day, Construction Sign - Special, Temporary Plastic Molded Barrier and Temporary Concrete Barrier Energy Absorption End Treatment System.

  • Standard Sign Type FR-9, when required, shall be installed at a 90 degree angle to the edge of the travelled portion of the designated route and shall be erected between 0.6m and 3.0m from the said travelled edge and shall be positioned between 3.0m and 10.0m from the property line, along the fire route at all vehicular access points.

More Definitions of Standard Sign

Standard Sign means a sign supported by a pole, pylon, standard or other similar structure where the total area of the sign does not exceed three (3) square metres (32 sq. ft);
Standard Sign means a sign supported and placed upon pole(s) or standard(s).

Related to Standard Sign

  • Authorized Signatory means the designated person of the agency authorized to represent the agency in all matters pertaining to its Proposal. The designated person should hold the Power of Attorney duly authorizing him/ her to perform all tasks including but not limited to sign and submit the Proposal to participate in all stages of the RFP Process, to conduct correspondence for and on behalf of the agency, and to execute any document required to give effect to the outcome of the RFP Process;

  • Railroad sign or signal means any sign, signal, or device erected by authority of a public body or official or by a railroad and intended to give notice of the presence of railroad tracks or the approach of a railroad train.

  • Authorised Signatory means, in relation to any Obligor, any person who is duly authorised and in respect of whom the Administrative Agent has received a certificate signed by a director or another Authorised Signatory of such Obligor setting out the name and signature of such person and confirming such person’s authority to act.

  • Unauthorized signature means a signature made without actual, implied, or apparent authority. The term includes a forgery.