Examples of Standing Data in a sentence
A Distribution Network Service Provider must, at the request of a retailer, and within 2 business days of the date of the request, provide the retailer with the NMI Standing Data for premises identified in the request by reference to the NMI for the premises.
This document provides a detailed description of the data items populated in the MSATS NMI Standing Data tables and contains information on the type of data, a brief description of each data item and whether the input of that data is mandatory.
Energy data, metering data, NMI Standing Data, information included under a scheme for a NMI Standing Data Schedule as referred to in clause 3.13.12A, information in the metering register and passwords are confidential and are to be treated as confidential information in accordance with the Rules.
The MDP must work with AEMO in the provision of metering data and CATS Standing Data files to AEMO and Registered Participants via alternative means in emergency situations where normal processes cannot be utilised.
Each MDP must maintain full audit trails and version control of metering register information, metering data and relevant CATS Standing Data for a minimum of seven years so that any data output produced by the system can be re-produced from source data.
This template is to assist stakeholders in giving feedback to the questions raised in the issues paper about the proposed changes to the MSATS Standing Data.
Each such standing offer for your facility must be submitted to the EMC in the data format required by and in accordance with the EMC’s Market Operations Market Manual on Standing Offers, Offer Variations and Standing Data (Chapter 6 Market Rules).
Measurement Standing Data Provision will be in accordance with the metering code.
The SVAA will be managing the Industry Standing Data in addition to performing the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) role, and therefore SVAA is the Industry Standing Data Manager (ISDM).
A.1.3 There is an illustrative example for every Service Component and the Tariff Standing Data.