State election definition
Examples of State election in a sentence
The chief State election official and the official responsible for the State motor ve- hicle authority of a State shall enter into an agreement to match information in the database of the statewide voter registra- tion system with information in the data- base of the motor vehicle authority to the extent required to enable each such offi- cial to verify the accuracy of the informa- tion provided on applications for voter reg- istration.
By vote at the State election on November 6, 2012, the voters of the Commonwealth approved a law regulating the cultivation, distribution, possession and use of marijuana for medical purposes.
The chief State election official of a State shall make the forms described in subsection (a) available for distribution through governmental and private entities, with particular emphasis on making them available for organized voter registration programs.
The chief State election official shall develop the State plan under this part through a com- mittee of appropriate individuals, including the chief election officials of the two most populous jurisdictions within the States, other local elec- tion officials, stake holders (including rep- resentatives of groups of individuals with dis- abilities), and other citizens, appointed for such purpose by the chief State election official.
Any voluntary political check-off form (i.e. the written authorization that the employees voluntarily sign) provided by the Union shall be in compliance with Federal and State election law requirements.