Examples of State housing credit ceiling in a sentence
Not more than 90 percent of the State housing credit ceiling for any State for any calendar year shall be allocated to projects other than qualified low-income housing projects described in subparagraph (B).
The State housing credit ceiling for a State for any calendar year after 2000 is comprised of four components.
Credit is treated as allocated from the various components of the State housing credit ceiling in the following order.
The first credit allocated for any calendar year is treated as credit from the unused carryforward component of the State housing credit ceiling for the calendar year.
If the aggregate housing credit dollar amounts allocated by a housing credit agen- cy for any calendar year exceed the portion of the State housing credit ceiling allocated to such agency for such calendar year, the housing credit dollar amounts so allocated shall be reduced (to the extent of such ex- cess) for buildings in the reverse of the order in which the allocations of such amounts were made.
The unused carryforward component of the State housing credit ceiling for any calendar year is the unused State housing credit ceiling, if any, of the State for the preceding calendar year.
For purposes of this subparagraph, the term ‘‘qualified State’’ means, with re- spect to a calendar year, any State—(I) which allocated its entire State housing credit ceiling for the preceding calendar year, and(II) for which a request is made (not later than May 1 of the calendar year) to receive an allocation under clause (iii).
In such a State, except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the remainder of the State housing credit ceiling is apportioned to the State housing credit agency under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
Unlike a carryover allocation made before July 1, if a taxpayer does not meet the 10 percent basis requirement by the close of the required date, the carryover allocation is treated as a valid allocation for the calendar year of allocation, but is included in the “returned credit component” for purposes of determining the State housing credit ceiling under section 42(h)(3)(C) for the calendar year following the calendar year of the allocation.
Except as provided in subparagraphs (D) and (E), the State housing credit ceiling for each calendar year shall be allocated to the housing credit agency of such State.