Examples of State percent of growth in a sentence
DETAIL: The General Fund appropriation was calculated using an estimated State percent of growth of 2.10% for State aid in FY 2021.
The funding provides a 2.40% increase, which is the same as the 2.40% increase in the State percent of growth rate to be applied to the State cost per pupil (SCPP) for FY 2022.
A 101.0% budget guarantee was also established for FY 1996 with the additional 1.0% paid by the State rather than raised SF 460 FY 1997 School Finance - Statethrough property taxation.• Established a State percent of growth equal to 3.3% for FY 1997.Percent Of Growth • Required that the State percent of growth for subsequent budget years be set in the year preceding the base year.
The allowable growthPercent Of Growthlanguage was rewritten in 1992, stating that the State percent of growth for a budget year shall be established by statute within 30 days of the submission in the base year of the Governor's budget to the General Assembly.
However, under current law the State percent of growth for FY 2021 remains at 0.00%.
HF 22 FY 1994 School Finance- State• Provided a unified levy reduction for certain reorganized districts.• Established a State percent of growth equal to 2.1% for FY 1994.
The statutory general fund andstatutory school house funds were replaced with these newly established funds.Year File Number Legislation TitleSummary 1995SF 17FY 1996 School Finance - State• Established a State percent of growth equal to 3.5% for FY 1996,.