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Statewide transportation plan definition

Statewide transportation plan means the official intermodal statewide transportation plan that is developed through the statewide planning process for the state, developed pursuant to 23 CFR Part 450.
Statewide transportation plan means the twenty-year comprehensive, intermodal state transportation plan adopted by the Transportation Commission pursuant to the provisions of 43-1-1103(5), C.R.S.(1991), as further described in 43-1- 1102(8) C.R.S.
Statewide transportation plan means the official statewide, intermodal transportation plan as

Examples of Statewide transportation plan in a sentence

  • Also, State DOTs should include a system performance report in their Statewide transportation plan.

  • MPOs that serve transportation management areas shall develop a congestion management plan with input from employers, private and public transit providers, transportation management associations, and organizations that provide low-income individuals transportation access to jobs and job related services.• The Statewide transportation plan must include a description of the performance measures and performance targets.

  • Statewide transportation plan; priorities; schedule of expenditures.

  • As prescribed by both State and Federal law, MDOT updates the Statewide transportation plan every four to five years to address current and future transportation challenges, needs, and conditions.

  • Statewide Transportation Improvement Program The California 2007 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation in October 2006, is a multiyear, Statewide, intermodal program of transportation projects consistent with the Statewide transportation plan and planning processes, metropolitan plans, and Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

  • In the case of non-metropolitan areas, DelDOT shall be the lead agency responsible for preparing the final document or decision and for assuring the adequacy of the interagency consultation process with respect to the development of the Statewide transportation plan, the STIP, and any amendments or revisionsthereto.

  • In the case of non-metropolitan areas, DelDOT shall be the lead agency responsible for preparing the final document or decision and for assuring the adequacy of the interagency consultation process with respect to the development of the Statewide transportation plan, the STIP, and any amendments or revisions thereto.

Related to Statewide transportation plan

  • Motor carrier transportation contract means a contract, agreement, or understanding for any of the following:

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • Emergency Medical Transportation means the transportation, by ambulance, of sick, injured or otherwise incapacitated persons who require emergency medical care.

  • Air transportation means the public carriage by aircraft of passengers, baggage, cargo, and mail, separately or in combination, for remuneration or hire;

  • Transportation network company rider or “rider” means an

  • Economy Transportation means the lowest published available transportation rate for a ticket on a Common Carrier matching the original class of transportation that You purchased for Your Trip.

  • Waste Management Plan means a waste management plan required by the municipality in terms of this by-law and NEM:WA;

  • Transportation Service Agreement means the contract between KUB and the Customer whereby KUB agrees to provide transportation gas service to the Customer.

  • Transportation network company means a corporation,

  • Transportation project or "project" means any or the

  • Ocean transportation means any transportation aboard a ship, vessel, boat, barge, or ferry through international waters.

  • Transportation Agreement means an agreement pursuant to the Tariff under which Transporter provides Transportation or other contract services to a Shipper.

  • International air transportation means transportation by air between a place in the United States and a place outside the United States or between two places both of which are outside the United States.

  • Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.

  • Environmental Management Plan or “EMP” means the environmental management plan for the Project, including any update thereto, incorporated in the IEE;

  • Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an

  • Procurement Plan means the Recipient’s procurement plan for the Project, dated April 2, 2010, and referred to in paragraph 1.16 of the Procurement Guidelines and paragraph 1.24 of the Consultant Guidelines, as the same shall be updated from time to time in accordance with the provisions of said paragraphs.

  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards or “NAAQS” means national ambient air quality standards that are promulgated pursuant to Section 109 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7409.

  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or "SWPPP" means a document that is prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and that identifies potential sources of pollutants that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction site, and otherwise meets the requirements of this Ordinance. In addition the document shall identify and require the implementation of control measures, and shall include, but not be limited to the inclusion of, or the incorporation by reference of, an approved erosion and sediment control plan, an approved stormwater management plan, and a pollution prevention plan.

  • New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual or “BMP Manual” means the manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this chapter. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department’s determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this chapter. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this chapter, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with Section IV.F. of this ordinance and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this chapter.

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Management Program or "MS4 Program" means a management program covering the duration of a state permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system that includes a comprehensive planning process that involves public participation and intergovernmental coordination, to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the CWA and regulations and the Act and attendant regulations, using management practices, control techniques, and system, design and engineering methods, and such other provisions that are appropriate.

  • Universal waste transporter means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

  • Storm water management plan means a comprehensive plan designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from storm water after the site has under gone final stabilization following completion of the construction activity.

  • air transport means the carriage by aircraft of passengers, baggage, cargo, and mail, separately or in combination, held out to the public for remuneration or hire, including scheduled and non-scheduled air services;

  • Transportation Service means a service for moving people and goods, such as intercity bus service and passenger rail service.

  • Quality Management Plan means the portion of the Project Development Plan providing the information requested in Section 4.3 of Exhibit B to the ITP.