Examples of Statutory Chief Officer in a sentence
The Director of Adult Social Services is directly accountable to the Chief Executive of the Council, appointed by the Council to a politically restricted Statutory Chief Officer post under section 2 of the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended), and from where they are required to deliver a key leadership role on behalf of the Council.
Further details on our Chief Executive can be found on the Council’s website, http://www.westdevon.gov.uk/doc.asp?doc=16790&cat=855 Senior Officer Remuneration for the year 2010/11: SalaryBenefitsTotalEmployers Pension ContributionTotal Remuneration Including Employers PensionContributionShared Chief Executive (left31/12/10)£95,346£989£96,335 The Statutory Chief Officer posts of the Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer are not included above due to the salary levels being less than £50,000.
Senior Officer Remuneration for the year 2009/10: SalaryBenefitsTotalEmployers Pension ContributionTotal Remuneration Including Employers PensionContributionShared ChiefExecutive£115,903£4,302£120,205 The Statutory Chief Officer posts of the Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer are not included above due to the salary levels being less than £50,000.
With the exception of the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer and s151 Officer all other Statutory and non- Statutory Chief Officer appointments are shared appointments with Oxfordshire County Council.
The Independent Panel shall consider any proposal to dismiss a statutory Chief Officer, including the Independent Investigator’s report, in accordance with the model disciplinary procedure and at least twenty days prior to any decision of the Full Council relating to dismissal of the Statutory Chief Officer.
This relates to politically restricted posts and includes a definition of a Statutory Chief Officer (such as the S151 Officer) and also the Non-Statutory chief officers.
Senior employees The CODE defines senior employees as those employees whose annual salary is £150,000 or more or whose annual salary is £50,000 or more and who is a: - Statutory Chief Officer- Head of Paid Service- Non statutory Chief Officer (subject to certain criteria).
Senior employeesThe CODE defines senior employees as those employees whose annual salary is £150,000 or more or whose annual salary is £50,000 or more and who is a: - Statutory Chief Officer- Head of paid service- Non statutory Chief Officer (subject to certain criteria).
The requirements of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders)(England) Regulations 2001 (“the Regulations”) will be adhered to in respect of those posts which fall within the definitions of Head of paid Service, Statutory Chief Officer, Non-Statutory Chief Officer and Deputy Chief Officer.
West Devon Borough Council has no other officers earning over £50,000.Senior Officer Remuneration for the year 2012/13: SalaryBenefitsTotalEmployers Pension ContributionTotal Remuneration Inc Employers PensionContributionChief Executive£115,000£1,486£116,486Head of Service (Planning, Economy & Community)The Statutory Chief Officer post of Monitoring Officer is not included above due to the post being employed by South Hams District Council during 2012/13.