Examples of Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual in a sentence
The South Nation Conservation Authority has provided water quality control requirements that adhere to criteria outlined in the Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (2003).
Stormwater management infrastructure shall be designed in accordance with City of Hamilton, Criteria and Guidelines for Stormwater Infrastructure Design and Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, Ministry of Environment (2003).
Table 3.2 of the MECP Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual outlines the Water Quality Storage Requirements based on Receiving Waters.
Topsoil will be provided in accordance with • the requirements of the MOE Stormwater Management, Planning and Design Manual, with a minimum depth of 450 mm depth provided in upland areas that are to be planted, and • the requirements of the Town of Whitby Design Criteria and Engineering Standards, Section G5.00 and • the requirements of Detail Standard 753: Topsoil Notes.
The Ministry of Environment has prepared the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (SWMPDM) (2003), which contains useful information to assist with design and construction of stormwater management controls.
The by-pass shall be designed to convey the peak flow from a 2-year return period storm event and in accordance with the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (“Maintenance By-pass” in Section 4.7 of 2003 edition).
Plaintiff Stanglund, the real property beneficiary, ultimately compromised the dispute and received 60% of the contractual proceeds of sale.
It was confirmed with South Nation Conservation that stormwater management facilities tributary to McKinnons Creek are to be designed to provide an Enhanced Level of Protection, or 80% removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (March 2003).
The Township will require proper conveyance of stormwater flows and stormwater quality, quantity/flood protection and erosion control management for all proposed developments in accordance with the Ministry of Environment’s requirements regarding Best Management Practices and the Ministry’s Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual.
The detailed engineering requirements of the following items are governed by the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (MOE, 2003) and the detailed engineering standards of the City of Ottawa.