Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.
Co-generation means the sequential production of electricity
Electric generating unit means an individual electric generator and its associated plant and apparatus whose electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered. Emergency Condition shall mean a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the CAISO, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the CAISO Controlled Grid or the electric systems of others to which the CAISO Controlled Grid is directly connected; (3) that, in the case of the Participating TO, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the Participating TO’s Transmission System, Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities, Distribution System, or the electric systems of others to which the Participating TO’s electric system is directly connected; or
high-efficiency cogeneration means cogeneration meeting the criteria laid down in Annex II;
Drug therapy management means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen.
Electric generation service means the provision of retail
Infrastructure facility means a building; structure; or networks of buildings, structures, pipes, controls, and equipment, or portion thereof, that provide transportation, utilities, public education, or public safety services. Included are government office buildings; public schools; courthouses; jails; prisons; water treatment plants, distribution systems, and pumping stations; wastewater treatment plants, collection systems, and pumping stations; solid waste disposal plants, incinerators, landfills, and related facilities; public roads and streets; highways; public parking facilities; public transportation systems, terminals, and rolling stock; rail, air, and water port structures, terminals, and equipment.
Basic generation service or "BGS" means electric generation
Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.
cogeneration means the simultaneous generation in one process of thermal energy and electrical or mechanical energy;
Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.
Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.
generating plant means the generating facility described in Schedule 1 as amended from time to time;
Planned Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective Interconnection Service Agreement and has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close.
Generating Facilities means Interconnection Customer’s device for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities.
Cogeneration unit means a unit that has equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) for industrial, commercial, heating or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy.
Cannabis processing facility means a person that:
Generation Interconnection Facilities Study means a Facilities Study related to a Generation Interconnection Request.
Class I renewable energy means electric energy produced from
Generating Facility means Developer’s device for the production of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Developer’s Attachment Facilities.
State Level Monitoring Cell means the body constituted by the State Government for the control and elimination of ragging in institutions within the jurisdiction of the State, established under a State Law or on the advice of the Central Government, as the case may be.
Individual development account means a contract between an account holder and a fiduciary organization, for the deposit of funds into a financial institution by the account holder, and the deposit of matching funds into the financial institution by the fiduciary organization, to allow the account holder to accumulate assets for use toward achieving a specific purpose approved by the fiduciary organization.
Development Location Point means a single point selected by the Applicant on the proposed Development site that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development. For a Development which consists of Scattered Sites, this means a single point on the site with the most units that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development.
Equipment with Specific Operational Limits means any Equipment related to the thermal oxidation of waste or waste derived fuels, fume incinerators or any other Equipment that is specifically referenced in any published Ministry document that outlines specific operational guidance that must be considered by the Director in issuing of a Certificate of Approval.
Internally Generated Cash means, with respect to any period, any cash of Borrower and its Subsidiaries generated during such period, excluding Net Asset Sale Proceeds, Net Insurance/Condemnation Proceeds and any cash that is received from an incurrence of Indebtedness, an issuance of Equity Interests or a capital contribution.
Market Participant Energy Injection means transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market and Real-time Energy Market, including but not limited to Day-ahead generation schedules, real- time generation output, Increment Offers, internal bilateral transactions and import transactions, as further described in the PJM Manuals.