Strong Room definition

Strong Room means a room within the Insured Premises designed for the secure storage of money, and access to which is restricted.
Strong Room means a structure—
Strong Room means a room or place in an archives repository where records are stored;

Examples of Strong Room in a sentence

  • For separation of locker area, a MS grill partition using 12mm MS square bars both ways at a spacing of 6” c/c and a grill door with locking arrangement to be provided inside the Strong Room.

  • Strong Room Door & Air ventilator will be provided by the Bank;✓ Adequate three-phase power supply (Minimum 15 KW for every 1000 sq.ft of carpet area) as a single connection with meter and main switch of required capacity.

  • Strong Room Door & Air ventilator will be provided by the Bank; Adequate three-phase power supply (Minimum 15 KW for every 1000 sq.ft of carpet area) as a single connection with meter and main switch of required capacity.

  • The Notice Inviting Offer, Instructions to offerers, Offer Letter along with Carpet Area Definition and Strong Room specifications will form part of the offer to be submitted by the offerer.

  • For separation of locker area, a MS grill partition using 12mm MS square bars both ways at a spacing of 4” c/c and a sliding grill door with locking arrangement to be provided inside the Strong Room.

  • Strong Room means a room within the premises designed for the secure storage of money and access to which is restricted.

  • Note: The bidder shall submit carpet area measurement sheet along with the application/bid.SPECIFICATION OF BUILDING GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION / ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OF A BUILDING TO BE CARRIED BY LANDLORD ON HIS/HER OWN EXPENSES 1) The structure should be RCC construction with all external walls 9" thick Brickwall.2) One RCC Strong Room with a carpet area of about 300-400 sq.ft.

  • Strong Room Door & Air ventilator will be provided by the Bank. Adequate three-phase power supply (Minimum 15 KW for every 1000 sq.ft of carpet area) as a single connection with meter and main switch of required capacity.

  • The Strong Room Door and Air ventilator/s shall be provided by the Bank.

  • The Notice Inviting Offer, Instructions to offerers, Terms and Conditions, Technical details of the premises offered, Carpet Area Definition, Strong Room specifications and Financial Bid will form part of the offer to be submitted by the offerer.

More Definitions of Strong Room

Strong Room means a room within the Insured Premises designed for the secure storage of money, and access to which is restricted.Warranties:1) Security arrangement at the location of the risk.2) Standard Safe. Exclusions:No indemnity is available under this Policy for any Claim arising out of, based upon or howsoever connected to the following.1) Any consequential losses of any kind, be they by way of loss of profit, business interruption, market loss or otherwise and any other legal liability of any kind.2) Loss of Money in transit.3) Loss of Money where the Insured or his family members or servants or Employee is or is alleged to be involved as a principal or accessory or is alleged to be in anyway concerned or implicated.4) Loss of Money in the Insured Premises where such Money is stored other than in a Safe or Strong Room.5) Money carried under contract of affreightment.
Strong Room means a secured room where public funds, public monies, public stores, receipt forms and safes are kept;
Strong Room means a room or enclosure for the storage of firearms and ammu- nition constructed in accordance with Regulation 5(1);

Related to Strong Room

  • Contactless means a payment feature that provides You with a way to pay by tapping the Card on a point–of–sale terminal reader for transactions of up to a specified limit.

  • Backsiphonage means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the potable water system from any source other than its intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water system.

  • Fiber means a glass strand or strands which is/are protected by a color coded buffer tube and which is/are used to transmit a communication signal along the glass strand in the form of pulses of light.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Scaling as used herein, involves:

  • Rewards means any Merchandise Reward, Travel Reward, Gift Card Reward or Account Credit Reward that is available in this Program; and

  • Train means any configuration of Rollingstock operating as a unit on Track;

  • Campsite means any place where bedding, sleeping bag, or other material used for bedding purposes, or any stove or fire is placed, established, or maintained for the purpose of maintaining a temporary place to live, whether or not such place incorporates the use of any tent, lean-to, shack, or any other structure, or any vehicle or part thereof.

  • Lightweight means the displacement of a ship in metric tons without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh water and feed water in tanks, consumable stores, and passengers and crew and their effects.

  • Passenger compartment means the space for occupant accommodation, bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, outside glazing and front bulkhead and the plane of the rear compartment bulkhead or the plane of the rear-seat back support.

  • Scalping means the situation where the Client opens too many positions in CFDs at the same time and closes them for less than five minutes or buying at Bid price and selling at Ask price, so as to gain the Bid/Ask difference.

  • Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.

  • Team means a team affiliated to a Club, including where a Club provides more than one team in the Competition in accordance with the Rules.

  • Stable in relation to land, means land form dimensions are or will be stable within tolerable limits now and in the foreseeable future. Stability includes consideration of geotechnical stability, settlement and consolidation allowances, bearing capacity (trafficability), erosion resistance and geochemical stability with respect to seepage, leachate and related contaminant generation.

  • Houseboat means watercraft primarily used as habitation and not used primarily as a means of transportation.

  • NBOME means the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, an organization that prepares and administers qualifying examinations for osteopathic physicians.

  • Flashpoint means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapor in sufficient concentration to ignite when tested as follows:

  • Slope means the inclination of a surface expressed as one unit of rise or fall for so many horizontal units;

  • Opaque means impenetrable to sight.

  • Tunnelling means the construction of any tunnel beneath the natural surface of the earth for a purpose other than the searching for or winning of a mineral

  • stake means the funds with which a player enters the game; Eff 10/30/2008

  • height means the vertical distance between grade and the highest point of the building or structure;

  • Freeboard height means for vapor degreasers the distance from the top of the vapor zone to the top of the degreaser tank. For cold cleaners, freeboard height means the distance from liquid solvent level in the degreaser tank to the top of the tank.

  • Intake means “Sanctioned Intake”.

  • aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight;

  • Deck means a walkway immediately adjacent to a swimming pool.