Strong Room definition
Examples of Strong Room in a sentence
For separation of locker area, a MS grill partition using 12mm MS square bars both ways at a spacing of 6” c/c and a grill door with locking arrangement to be provided inside the Strong Room.
Strong Room Door & Air ventilator will be provided by the Bank;✓ Adequate three-phase power supply (Minimum 15 KW for every 1000 sq.ft of carpet area) as a single connection with meter and main switch of required capacity.
Strong Room Door & Air ventilator will be provided by the Bank; Adequate three-phase power supply (Minimum 15 KW for every 1000 sq.ft of carpet area) as a single connection with meter and main switch of required capacity.
The Notice Inviting Offer, Instructions to offerers, Offer Letter along with Carpet Area Definition and Strong Room specifications will form part of the offer to be submitted by the offerer.
For separation of locker area, a MS grill partition using 12mm MS square bars both ways at a spacing of 4” c/c and a sliding grill door with locking arrangement to be provided inside the Strong Room.
Strong Room means a room within the premises designed for the secure storage of money and access to which is restricted.
Note: The bidder shall submit carpet area measurement sheet along with the application/bid.SPECIFICATION OF BUILDING GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION / ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OF A BUILDING TO BE CARRIED BY LANDLORD ON HIS/HER OWN EXPENSES 1) The structure should be RCC construction with all external walls 9" thick Brickwall.2) One RCC Strong Room with a carpet area of about 300-400 sq.ft.
Strong Room Door & Air ventilator will be provided by the Bank. Adequate three-phase power supply (Minimum 15 KW for every 1000 sq.ft of carpet area) as a single connection with meter and main switch of required capacity.
The Strong Room Door and Air ventilator/s shall be provided by the Bank.
The Notice Inviting Offer, Instructions to offerers, Terms and Conditions, Technical details of the premises offered, Carpet Area Definition, Strong Room specifications and Financial Bid will form part of the offer to be submitted by the offerer.