Examples of Study Proposal in a sentence
Annual Progress ReportsGraduate students annually self-report on their progress in research, accomplishments of milestones towards degree (e.g. completion of Program of Study, Proposal Defense, or Comprehensive Exams), awards and honors received, and dissemination of results (papers published, presentations made).
The independent study must be approved by the MBA Program Director and the student must complete the Directed Study Proposal Form (see advisor for the form) and the Permission to Register for Independent Study before enrollment in the course will be considered.
Annual Progress ReportsGraduate students annually self-report on their progress in research, accomplishments of milestones towards degree (e.g. completion of Program of Study, Proposal Defense, or Comprehensive Exams), awards and honors received, and dissemination of results (papers published, presentations made).
The [NAME] Committee considered the following documents in its review: - Study Proposal version [VERSION], dated [DATE].
Note: As of November 2010, analysis-only grants involving no such additional CC services require the submission of a Manuscript Proposal form, but not an Ancillary Study Proposal Form.
The interested student and faculty member should work together to complete the Directed Study Proposal Form.
Tarsus will consider the Eligible Global Study Proposal in good faith.
The Program of Study, Proposal, Oral Preliminary Exam (PhD only), and Final Exam involve formal meetings with your Graduate Committee.
Study Proposal: Approval Request [for funding of research on “Gabapentin and methylphenidate in the treatment of fibromyalgia”, and related documents]; 27 April 1997:V058857-V058859.
Submit one (1) copy of your completed Application Form and Study Proposal to the NSW Premier's Teacher Scholarships Secretariat by the closing date together with your signed copy of the Terms and Conditions, (see section 5).