Subscribed Capacity definition
Examples of Subscribed Capacity in a sentence
Any substantiated costs and/or expenses incurred by the Operating Company to set-up any bank guarantees required under, or to enter into, the Transportation Contract, it being understood that each User shall be charged only a pro-rata portion of such costs and/or expenses determined on the basis of its Subscribed Capacity compared to the total Subscribed Capacity of all Users.
Without prejudice to the obligations referred to in article 8.1.1 of chapter III, in the event that a User of Non-Foundation Subscribed Capacity releases all or part of such Subscribed Capacity as part of the Annual Subscription Process referred to in article 2.4.2 a) of chapter II, the transportation capacity allocated pursuant to art.
The Validity End Date for every Subscribed Capacity is defined in the Special Terms and Conditions.
As from that moment, the allocated Storage Services are considered to be Subscribed Capacity and the signed SCFC accepted by Storage Operator becomes an effective Services Confirmation as defined in the SSA.
The Storage Operator sends a copy of the Services Confirmation(s) to the concerned Storage User.Step 6 – Start Services:The Storage User can start to use the Subscribed Capacity as from the Start Date of the SCFC and no earlier than two (2) Business Days after the Storage Operator has received the SCFC (and all other documents as stipulated in this paragraph) and if the signed SCFC is received less than two (2) Business Days before the Start Date of the SCFC.
Possible reductions to or interruptions in Daily Capacities or Hourly Capacities are without effect on the Validity End Date of any Subscribed Capacity whatsoever.The Interruptible Daily Delivery Capacity is equivalent, on Day D, to the sum of the Interruptible Daily Delivery Capacities at the Delivery Point in question, whose Validity Period includes Day D.
As historical usage for these customers becomes available it will be reflected in the monthly reporting resulting in a more precise estimate of GT Subscribed Capacity.
When entering into one or more new Capacity Agreements with respect to any Month’s Released Capacity, the Operating Company shall reduce the Subscribed Capacity of User(s) under the relevant Capacity Agreement(s) accordingly and relieve User(s) of its (their) liability towards such Released Capacity.
Subject to articles 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 below, the Shipper may not claim any decrease or increase in a Subscribed Capacity before its Validity End Date.
The Shipper may claim a decrease or increase in an Annual Subscribed Capacity according to the sole conditions set out below.