Examples of Substituting in a sentence
Substituting without the prior approval of the SFA will constitute a breach of contract by the vendor which may result in the initiation of actions covered in this General terms and Conditions document entitled “Remedies for Non-Performance of Contract, and Contract Termination” and the associated financial impacts attached thereto, and may jeopardize any future business from the SFA.
Upon receipt of such notice, wherever the word “Initial Purchaser” is used in this Agreement (other than in this Section 11), such word shall be deemed to refer to such affiliate in lieu of the Substituting Initial Purchaser.
D Substituting Collateral Substituting sugar in another location for loan collateral is not permitted under the Sugar Loan Program.
Substituting subscripts j for i delivers the corresponding terms for agent j.Our starting point is the likelihood of trusting, that was analyzed in section III.4 What has been done for agent i as first mover concerning his likelihood of trusting can be done in a similar way for agent j.
Agent j’s probability of trusting in case he is the first mover looks as follows: a j = ⎨1 fo r T j ≤ ( 1–r j )/(1 – w j )πj rj +( 1− π j ) wj f o r (1 – rj )/(1 – wj )< T j <( rj / wj )0 f o r T j ≥ r j /w j(8a) (8b) (8c) Substituting indices j for i we get the corresponding definition for agent i's likelihood of trusting.High probabilities of trusting are therefore determined by:1.
H Adding or Substituting Items of Heavy Equipment: During the term of this contract, the Department may add, delete, or substitute items of equipment.
Substituting a party under Rule 25 does not affect the right to use a deposition previously taken.
Substituting without the prior approval of the location placing the order will constitute a breach of contract by the vendor which may result in the initiation of actions covered in section #26 of this General Terms and Conditions document entitled "Remedies for Non-Performance of Contract, and Contract Termination" and the associated financial impacts attached thereto, and may jeopardize any future business from the District.
Substituting for another faculty member shall be an overload when the absent faculty member is on administratively approved leave.
Upon receipt of such notice, wherever the word “Initial Purchaser” is used in this Agreement (other than in this Section 12), such word shall be deemed to refer to such affiliate in lieu of the Substituting Initial Purchaser.