Substituting Sample Clauses

Substituting. Any member of the bargaining unit who is directed by the principal or his/her designee to substitute for another employee for a full day will be compensated at their job classification wage or the substitute teacher’s wage, whichever is greater.
SubstitutingBargaining unit members substituting in a position outside of their regular work assignment shall be paid at the District’s established Step 1 of the position range in which the substitute work takes place.
SubstitutingIn the event one of the teachers agrees to substitute temporarily for his/her partner because the partner is temporarily absent, the substitute’s pay shall be at the full per diem substitute rate. (NOTE: the full daily rate will be at the level set by the Board of Education for each year during the term of this contract. The intent is to remit to the teacher, who substitutes for his/her partner, a full day’s substitute pay for one half day of instructional services.)
Substituting. Part-time teachers who voluntarily substitute shall be paid in accordance with Article XII, Section B (4) of the Master Agreement. If substituting for itinerant teachers who travel, mileage will be paid at the IRS rate.
SubstitutingIn the event that one of the teachers is absent, the other teacher will be asked to substitute for the absent teacher. The teacher shall be compensated “sub” pay (per Article VI.C.
Substituting. When possible, each teacher will substitute for the other when absent. The teacher substituting shall receive the appropriate prorated substitute pay.
Substituting. Any member of the bargaining unit, who is required to substitute for a teacher for either 1/2 or a full day, will be compensated at whichever salary is greater, the employee’s pay or the District’s substitute pay. However, members of this bargaining unit shall not be included on the teachers’ substitute list.
Substituting. 1. Substituting is when an employee is requested by his/her supervisor to assume the job classification responsibilities of another employee. 2. All substitution amounts shall be paid from the first day of substitution and shall be paid whether the substitution occurs during or outside of the employee’s scheduled day. 3. When an employee substitutes for another in the same job classification, he/she shall be paid at his/her normal hourly rate (straight time) unless eligible for overtime pay in accordance with Section 16.K. 4. When an employee substitutes in a job classification that is a higher job classification in his/her present classification series, he/she shall be paid at step one of that higher job classification or $0.25 per hour more than his/her normal hourly rate (straight time), whichever is greater, unless eligible for overtime pay in accordance with Section 16.K. 5. When an employee substitutes in a job classification that is a lower job classification in the same classification series, the employee shall be paid his/her normal hourly rate, unless otherwise eligible for overtime pay in accordance with Section 16.K for all or part of his/her substitution. 6. When an employee substitutes in a job classification that is in a different classification series, he/she shall be paid the greater of: (1) step one of the different classification series or (2) $0.25 per hour more than his/her normal hourly rate. The employee may be eligible for overtime pay in accordance with Section 16.K for all or part of his/her substitution. 7. When an employee substitutes for a non-bargaining unit member, excluding supervisors, the substituting employee shall be paid at the highest step of the negotiated administrative assistant pay schedule. When substituting at a higher classification or for a non-bargaining unit employee, the employee must indicate the name of the person for whom he/she substituting on his/her time sheet or he/she shall not receive the higher rate of pay.
Substituting. All positions of substitute teachers shall be offered to teachers in the re-employment pool before any other person is offered such a position.
Substituting. When one job share partner is absent from duty, the other job share partner will be the first call for a substitute, as they know the students and are sharing the responsibility for instructing those students. The job share partner whose non-work day it is has the opportunity to accept or refuse as any called substitute would. If they accept the otherwise non-work day assignment, they will be paid at the substitute rate for that day.