Sum Rate definition
Examples of Sum Rate in a sentence
In Figure 4.4, we show the sum rate, averaged over 100 trials, plotted asSum Rate vs Radius30% improvement Proposed AlgorithmProposed Algorithm GPMWSR MMSE120 100 Sum Rate (bits/sec/Hz)80 60 40 200 100 200 300 400 500Radius (m) Figure 4.4: Sum rate as a function of the radius of the circle where the center of the ten links are placed.
For example, a reinsurance agreement pertaining to the Subject Business which was in place as of the Effective Date may be deemed to remain in place irrespective of any commutation, release of liability, loss portfolio transfer or other similar transaction with respect thereto.
Han, J.M. Cioffi and V.C.M. Leung, “A Distributed Power Allocation Scheme for Sum- Rate Maximization on Cognitive GMACs”, IEEE Trans.
Further details can be found in Schedule ‘C’ of this RFQ.SCHEDULE ‘B’ – QUOTE FORM The Contractor may provide information on a separate page if there is insufficient room on this page.Contractor InformationContact: Company Name: Address: Phone: Email: Lump Sum RatesThe Contractor must provide a Lump Sum Rate for the items specified.
This is expected sinceSum Rate vs Number of Links for Radius=10m45 Proposed Algorithm 65% improvement 30% improvement40 Sum Rate (bits/sec/Hz)35 MMS30E 25 GPMWSR2010 20 30 40 50Number of Links Distributed in Circle Figure 4.5: Sum rate as a function of the number of links placed within the circle when the radius of the circle is fixed to ten meters.
Then, it searches for the optimal totaltransmit power (the corresponding EE is optimal) between themaxpk,n≥0 Σk∈KωkΣ n∈Skrk,n under constraints (10b)two boundary points (P (1) and P (2)), which is illustrated from Line 27 to Line 37.and (10c) is the maximum Weighted Sum Rate (WSR).
Optimal D2D - NSIPA 22 D2D - FPA Optimal DL NOMA Sum Rate (Mbps) 20 18 16 14 12 Sum Rate Transmission Power (dBm)P B S202530354045P 3-1.782.306.059.4412.5215.18 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 BS Transmission Power, P BS (dBm) 18 16 D2D Optimal D2D NSIPA D2D FPA Individual User Rate UE1 UE2 Fig.
The maximum avg-SE in mMIMO system overcomes the NOMA counterpart until the loading ρ exceeds ≈ 0.62 for 400 350 Average Sum Rate (bits/s/Hz)300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ZF-mMIMO ZF-NOMA M = 256 M = 128 M = 64 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2Loading = K/M(a) EPAthe three BS antenna configurations, M = 64, 128, and 256.This PA technique provides more power to devices with the worst channel condition, making the SE result reach maximum values below the EPA.Fig.
Furthermore, we aim to develop our system model to optimize both Sum Rate and Total Harvested Energy, considering a minimum requirement of service quality to be provided to the user, such as the minimum data rate and minimum harvested energy.
As a result, the State shall have no obligation to pay or to enforce the payment of any moneys to any subcontractor.California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Exhibit B-1 Rate Sheet VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM UPGRADE AT THE HIGH DESERT STATE PRISONSUSANVILLE, CA Lump Sum Rate must be provided below.