Examples of Summary Class Notice in a sentence
Completed Claims that are timely submitted electronically through the Settlement Website by individuals to whom the emailed or mailed Summary Class Notice was sent will be deemed valid.
For a period of twenty-one (21) days following the Notice Date, if any mailed Summary Class Notice is returned to the Settlement Administrator as undeliverable, the Settlement Administrator will perform a skip-trace and/or other customary address search in an attempt to locate a valid address, and if a new address is obtained, will re-mail the Summary Class Notice to that address.
Class Counsel is authorized to direct the Settlement Administrator to undertake additional steps to disseminate the Summary Class Notice.
These labor demand equations have been estimated as autoregressive distributed lag models by GMM.The results obtained suggest that the institutional changes brought by the government in last decades (up to 2009) affected negatively the labor demand of the Colombian manufacturing industry.
The date on which the email notice is disseminated to Class Members is referred to as the “Notice Date.” The emailed Summary Class Notice will include a link to the Settlement Website (discussed below) or other suitable methodology to enable the email recipient to submit a Claim electronically.
The Settlement Website will include a mechanism by which individuals whose name and contact information appears in the Class List and who receive an emailed Summary Class Notice or a mailed Summary Class Notice may submit a Claim electronically via the Settlement Website.
No later than the Notice Date, the Settlement Administrator will establish a Settlement Website on which it will make available the First Amended Complaint, the Settlement Agreement, the order granting preliminary approval of the Settlement, the Summary Class Notice, the Long Form Class Notice, the Claim Form (in a format that may be printed), and any other materials agreed to by the Parties.
No later than the Notice Date, the Settlement Administrator will establish a Settlement Website on which it will make available the Second Amended Complaint, the Settlement Agreement, the order granting preliminary approval of the Settlement, the Summary Class Notice, the Long Form Class Notice, the Claim Form (in a format that may be printed), and any other materials agreed to by the Parties.
If any emailed Summary Class Notice documents are “bounced back” as undeliverable, then within fourteen (14) days after the Notice Date, the Settlement Administrator will mail a copy of the Summary Class Notice to the person’s last-known mailing address, to the extent that information is available in the Class List, as updated by the NCOA database.
The Settlement Administrator will be responsible for: disseminating the Summary Class Notice; establishing and maintaining the Settlement Website; researching and updating addresses through skip-traces and similar means, if and to the extent necessary; receiving and validating claims; preparing a declaration regarding its due diligence; mailing settlement checks to Class Members; and doing such other things as the Parties or the Court may direct in order to effectuate the Settlement.