Supply Conditions definition
Examples of Supply Conditions in a sentence
Any changes to our Milk Supply Conditions, and the terms and conditions applying to such changes, must be made in writing.
This Milk Supply Conditions document may be updated and amended during the year in accordance with the milk supply agreement.
When Water Supply Conditions are deemed “Acute”, sprinkling is not permitted, and any hand-watering is to be in accordance with restrictions imposed by Council; and includes the proviso that a person shall: • not fill a swimming pool or hot tub except to replace evaporated water or water lost from general use of the pool or tub; • not use fountains or ponds unless using re-circulated water; and • not use water unless specifically permitted by council policy when this stage is declared.
Statewide Water Supply Conditions 19.Directors’ Oral ReportsAll Directors 20.Legal Reports Report on matters of interest or having an effect on the District Mr. Ciampa 21.Board members and staff will be given an opportunity to request and suggest subjects fordiscussion at a future meeting 22.Board of Directors BusinessPresident Kwong A.
All bolts and nuts shall conform to the requirements of Indian Standard Specification IS: 1367 - Technical Supply Conditions for Threaded Fasteners.