Supply Zones definition
Examples of Supply Zones in a sentence
VicForests will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a network of appropriate roads to facilitate haulage from the Supply Zones during typical seasonal conditions and such roads will connect to public, municipal or State roads.
In Madurai Corporation total number of Water Supply Zones is now proposed in this Water Supply Master Plan as 81.
The Corporate Low Pressure Register holds data in a common format for Water Supply Zones across the whole of Scottish Water.
Table 2: Public Consultations held in Different Water Supply Zones in Bhangar - II Block 14.
Figure 14: Water Supply Zones 10.5 The water distribution network in Northern Ireland as seen in Figure 15 overleaf is extensive, consisting of 290 service reservoirs and approximately 26,800 km of mains pipe.
While using its best endeavours to remove the cause and/or effect of Force Majeure affecting VicForests, VicForests may offer to supply Timber to the Buyer from different Supply Zones and/or supply to the Buyer different Types of Timber at appropriate commercial charges such that VicForests is not commercially disadvantaged.
Figure 2: Water Supply Zones for Yorkshire Water (YWS, Revised Draft Water Resources Management Plan, Nov 2013) In their draft Water Resources Management Plan (November 2013), Yorkshire Water has assessed the capacity to provide mains water supply based on the critical periods for demand during the peak week of tourism under dry year conditions.
This area is FCNSW’s Supply Zones 1 & 2 & is Hurford’s traditional supply area.The Natural Resource Commission (NRC) notes in its November 2016 report – Advice on Coastal Integrated Forest Operations Approval Remake, page 2 “in particular, the Commission has identified two individual settings that pose a significant constraint to wood supply: (1) koala protections; and (2) improved knowledge of areas where permanent harvesting is excluded due to threatened ecological communities.
There were 7 Supply Zones in the Borough.Water samples were taken randomly from customer taps in each Supply Zone and planned samples at Supply Points.
Working with municipal and district local leaders, FIPAG’s Department of Supply Zones (DZF - Departamento de Zonas de Fornecimento), the Studies and Projects Offices (GEP) and Technical Department (DP – Departamento Técnico) in each city, most of whom have social intermediation skills, during planning and implementation of network expansion may help minimize the negative impacts by specifically identifying potentially affected vulnerable groups early on in the process.