The Term of the Agreement Sample Clauses

The Term of the Agreement. 6.1. This agreement shall be effective as of the Commencement Date of Providing Services and shall remain in force for an unlimited period. 6.2. Each party may terminate this agreement by furnishing a written notice to the other party, subject to a 90 days prior written notice.
The Term of the Agreement. 2.1 The Company undertakes to engage the Employee in the Company as of 1st September 2005 for an unlimited term. 2.2 Each party may bring the contractual relationship pursuant hereto to an end on 90 days’ written notice (hereinafter referred to as “notice”). Subject to the provisions of clause 2.3 below, the Employee shall be entitled, during the notice period, to all the terms under the agreement. 2.3 Once notice has been given as aforesaid by one of the parties, this agreement shall terminate at the end of the period of time specified in sub-clause 2.2 above, the employment relationship between the parties shall be severed on the date specified in the notice and the following provisions shall apply: 2.3.1 the Employee shall work during the notice period and shall continue to perform all his obligations to the Company, unless the Company instructs him otherwise. If the Employee gives notice of his resignation from the Company, the Company may waive its right to notice and/or shorten the notice period, and in such case the Employee shall be entitled to the terms pursuant to the agreement until the date of his employment’s actual termination; 2.3.2 the Employee shall hand over the position in an orderly manner to whomever the Company directs; 2.3.3 the Employee shall give the Company all the documents, equipment, information and any other material coming into his possession or prepared by him in connection with his work until the employment’s termination. 2.4 If the Company terminates the Employee’s engagement as aforesaid after at least one year, the Employee shall be entitled to severance pay pursuant to the Severance Pay Law, 5723-1963, save in the cases detailed below, in which the Employee shall not be entitled to severance pay, and in which the Employee shall also not be entitled to notice in accordance with clause 2.2 above: 2.4.1 if the Employee commits a breach of this agreement and does not rectify the breach within one week of receiving written warning to do so; 2.4.2 if the Employee breaches this agreement after he has already received warning of a similar breach; 2.4.3 if the Employee is duly convicted in a final judgment of an offence involving disgrace; 2.4.4 if the Employee breaches his fiduciary duty to the Company; 2.4.5 if the Employee abuses his office; 2.4.6 if the Employee commits a grave breach of discipline; 2.4.7 if the Employee leaves his place of work for a period of more than seven days without obtaining the Company’s consent.
The Term of the Agreement. 16.1 This agreement is valid for one year from its execution.
The Term of the Agreement. The effective date of this Agreement is January 1, 1997 ("THE EFFECTIVE DATE") and unless terminated at an earlier date by OMRIX, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 below, it will remain in force for a period of 18 years, i.e. until December 31,2014 (hereinafter: "THE TERM")
The Term of the Agreement. 6.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply as of August 5th, 2002 (the "EFFECTIVE DAY"). 6.2 Each party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving the other party a written notice ninety (90) days in advance without the need for an explanation. 6.3 The termination of this Agreement as stated in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 is without any remedy, indemnification, compensation or reward. This Section shall not prevent any of the Parties from seeking any remedy from the other party due to a breach of this Agreement. 6.4 Notwithstanding anything herein, Tefron shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by a written notice of at least 30 days in advance, in any and/or all of the following cases ("For Cause"): 6.4.1 The Management Company and/or Xx. Xxxxxxx breached this Agreement in a material fashion and did not remedy such material breach within a reasonable period after receipt of a written demand to do so. 6.4.2 The Management Company and/or Xx. Xxxxxxx have been convicted (peremptory rule) in respect of an offense involving ignominy and/or a felony which effects the management's capability. 6.4.3 The Management Company and/or Xx. Xxxxxxx have ownership of an interest in a business in competition with Tefron not disclosed to the Board of Tefron. 6.4.4 Should Xx. Xxxxxxx be unavailable to render the Consulting and Management Services on behalf of the Management Company for any reason whatsoever for a continuous period in excess of 5 consecutive weeks or in the event of termination of his employment relationship with the Management Company, unless such termination is in accordance with section 10.6 (b) below. 6.5 Tefron is entitled at its own exclusive discretion to pay the Consideration for part or the entire notice period as determined in this Article 6 above, and accordingly to end the provision of the Consulting and Management Services earlier than at the end of the relevant notice period. 6.6 In the event the Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever, the Management Company shall ensure the orderly transfer to Tefron of any document, copies or recorded information in any other form or any other material which came to its possession in connection with the Consulting and Management Services (For the sake of avoiding any doubt, It is hereby clarified that such orderly transfer of information shall not apply to any information that came into the attention of Xx. Xxxxxxx through his capacity as shareholder in Tefron, or through...
The Term of the Agreement. ‌ 16.1 This agreement is valid for one year from its execution. 16.2 The agreement’s extension (a) The agreement shall be automatically extended for an additional year on each occasion, unless if circumstances of sub-section (b) below have occurred, or if either party has given the other at least 60 days’ written notice of the agreement’s termination. If the Registrar has met and is still meeting the requirements, terms and conditions set for it in the framework of the proceedings leading to its accreditation by ISOC-IL and subject to compliance with all the financial requirements in clause 10, ISOC-IL shall not bring the agreement to an end (save on reasonable grounds, including ISOC-IL’s policy considerations). (b) The automatic renewal of the agreement is conditioned upon the registrar managing at least 500 domain names which are attributed to the registrar in ISOC-IL’s domain name registries, within two (2) years of the execution of this agreement and 1,000 domain names within three (3) years of the execution of this agreement ("minimal management quota"). Where the registrar failed to meet the minimal management quota, ISOC-IL may decide, at its sole and absolute discretion, not to renew the agreement and to cancel registrar's accreditation. ISOC-IL will send the registrar an in-advance notice of an anticipated failure to meet the minimal management quota and non-renewal of the agreement – no later than 30 days prior to expiry of the agreement. Where such message was sent, and the minimal management quota was not met, the agreement shall terminate. This clause will come into effect – for registrars who are already accredited at the time this clause is amended – only following a 12-month period from the date this clause was amended by ISOC-IL. ISOC-IL may update the minimal management quota from time to time, subject to a prior and written 12 month notice to each of the then accredited registrars. (c) Where the agreement is extended, all the provisions hereof shall also apply to the extended term. (d) ISOC-IL may, as a condition for the agreement’s extension, demand information and documents from the Registrar in connection with its activity pursuant hereto which are needed by ISOC-IL, in its absolute discretion, to examine the Registrar’s compliance with the requirements, terms and conditions set for it by ISOC-IL prior to its accreditation as registrar.
The Term of the Agreement. 3.1 The term of the Management Agreement is from the Commencement Date of the Lease Term and shall remain valid so long as the Lessee has rights in the Leased Premises under the Lease Agreement and so long as it has not ended. 3.2 Further to the above said, the Lessee's undertakings under the Agreement shall apply so long as the Lessee holds the Leased Premises or any part thereof even if he is not entitled to do so.
The Term of the Agreement. The term of the Agreement shall be in accordance with the date of registration from the student and it will be valid as long as the student keeps participating in the same course, seminar or learning marathon, unless extended with the Company's approval, as stated in section 29 of the above Agreement.
The Term of the Agreement. The Term of the Agreement is as specifie d in the Order Conformation. Upon termination, the Customer's access and right to use the Licensed Services ceases. Either Party may terminate the Agreement immediately in the event of a material breach of the Agreement by the other Party, subject to such breach not being remedied within 30 calendar days after the receipt of a written notice specifying such failure, if the Agreement is terminated by the Customer based on FAU's material breach,of the Agreement, Customer is entitled to a return of the Service Fee proportionate to the remaining booked services. If the Agreement is terminated due to the Customer's material breach of the Agreement, the Customer is not entitled to a refund.
The Term of the Agreement. The term of the Agreement shall be in accordance with the date of approval of acceptance and will end after sixteen calendar weeks, unless extended with the Company's approval, as stated in section 29 of the above Agreement.