Examples of Support Year in a sentence
The Storage Capacity Rebate for a Support Year is calculated as follows: GSY = CSY x SCPSY where: GSY = the Storage Capacity Rebate for the Support Year (in $); CSY = the Annual Support Amount for the relevant Support Year (in $); and SCPSY = the Storage Capacity Rebate Percentage for the Support Year (expressed as a percentage).
For the avoidance of doubt, no refund, credit or cancellation of all or part of an annual support & maintenance fee that falls due will be given to the Customer if the Customer fails to give such notice, and no pro rata refund, credit or cancellation will be given to the Customer of the annual support & maintenance fee in respect of any current Support Year irrespective of the period of notice given.
The number of rows in the table below should reflect the number of Support Years which apply to this Agreement noting that if the first Support Year does not commence on 1 July, there will need to be one more Support Year in the table below than there are years of support being sought because the first and last Support Years will be only part of a year.
The revised fees shall be notified to the Customer in advance of any renewal date and will take effect as from the commencement of the following Support Year.
Where any of paragraphs (a) and (c) of the definition of Support Year apply, the Annual Revenue Floor and Annual Revenue Ceiling will be adjusted proportionally, having regard to the number of days in the relevant partial year as a percentage of the total number of days in a full calendar year.
The term Support Year (“Support Year”) shall mean any twelve (12) month period ending on December 31, except that the first Support Year shall commence on the Effective Date and end on the next December 31 date.
EXWC Support to Other Shore Water Treatment Facilities EXWCProject Support (Year) Table A-1.
If the Operator fails to issue a Payment Notice for a Quarter or Support Year or fails to include an amount to which the Commonwealth is entitled under this Agreement in a Payment Notice for a Quarter or Support Year, the Commonwealth may issue a notice to the Operator for that Quarter or Support Year which sets out the relevant information which the Operator should have included in that Payment Notice.
It is also required to provide this information in MC5 Returnable Schedule.] The Annual Revenue Floor in respect of a Support Year is: (a) for the first Support Year $[insert]; (b) for the second Support Year $[insert]; (c) for the third Support Year $[insert]; (d) for the fourth Support Year $[insert]; and (e) [insert further rows to reflect the Support Period] $[insert].
PHASE 1: Set-up (Year 1)PHASE 2: Deploy, Maintain and Support (Year 2 and Year 3)PHASE 3: Consolidate and Continuous Review (Year 4 and Year 5)Over the next five years, the National Council on Health, as owners of the Health ICT vision, will oversee the activities according to the action plan.