Sustainability Certification definition
Examples of Sustainability Certification in a sentence
Identify the Owner’s Sustainable Objective for the Project such as Sustainability Certification, benefit to the environment, enhancement to the health and well-being of building occupants, or improvement of energy efficiency.
If a Sustainability Certification is part of the Sustainable Objective, an initial payment to the Architect of « » ($ « » ) shall be made upon execution of the Agreement for registration fees and other fees payable to the Certifying Authority and necessary to achieve the Sustainability Certification.
The issue of sustainability is also examined, via an analysis of the role of Sustainability Certification Schemes (SCS) and how they interact with regulatory sustainability requirements, particularly those in the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).Through interviews with a wide range of stakeholders the best form of European facilitation initiative has been identified.
The Building Sustainability Certification must be submitted with the Step II architectural documents submission detailing how the minimum standard will be achieved.
These Policies apply to all products that are certified by the Sustainability Certification Program, as well as products that are not certified but are making unauthorized use of the Sustainability Mark.
States and industry are encouraged to enhance efforts to increase the number of ICAO approved Sustainability Certification Schemes, in all regions, to accelerate the sustainability certification of qualifying SAF, LCAF and other aviation cleaner energies in line with the CORSIA requirements, without excluding any particular fuel source, pathway, feedstock or technology.
Refer to the Architectural Manual for additional information on basic design, appliances, and equipment For 4% LIHTC Bond financed properties only, each project must also include additional sustainability items as outlined in the Exhibit A to Appendix I Building Sustainability Certification.
The Certifying Authority is the entity that establishes criteria for achievement of a Sustainability Certification and is authorized to grant or deny a Sustainability Certification.
Wain and Murray describe Avieco’s Smart Sustainability Certification, working mainly with small and medium enterprises.
In this regard, ICAO, with technical and neutral contributions of CAEP, is encouraged to accelerate the development and approval of new Sustainability Certification Schemes for SAF, LCAF and other aviation cleaner energies and to accelerate the analysis and approval of life cycle values for new fuel sources and pathways.