Examples of Sustainable Development Fund in a sentence
We received a report regarding the AONB Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) and the Wye Valley AONB Fund with Herefordshire Community Foundation (HCF).
Community and Sustainable Development Fund grants or invoices for the procurement of goods and services were paid to a number of organisations in which members were either trustees or had positions on the governing body.
It brings together into one funding stream the three strands of funding: • core functions • projects • the Sustainable Development Fund AONB partnerships and Conservation Boards will need to decide how they wish to allocate the funding contribution they receive from Defra across these three strands, and at what percentage.
In doing so, the following information was noted: Funding for the Wye Valley River Festival 2020 has been secured from Arts Council England, the AONB Sustainable Development Fund (SDF), Visit Wales, Arts Council of Wales, and many other sources.
In doing so, the following information was noted: The SDF Assessment Panel has fully allocated the £55,000 Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) in Wales in 2019/20.
The topics (the effectiveness of the Sustainable Development Fund in encouraging low carbon communities, and our statutory role in maintaining the rights of way network) used a range of evidence gathering methods, including a focus group with external contributors as part of a training session in order to observe and refine process.
The Sustainable Development Fund was the first topic selected for a pilot study during the Scrutiny Project as outlined above.
Sustainable Development FundBalance of Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) grant supplied by Defra.
The acquisition of commercial properties, by contrast, is subject to fewer restrictions, which mainly concern premises that are empty, contain residential parts, or that are acquired in anticipa- tion of expansion plans without concrete plans to build at the time of acquisition.
In his absence Cllr Andrew James was appointed to the Sustainable Development Fund Committee, subject to his agreement.