sustained definition
sustained means - maintained continuously over a period of at least two school years. They will be able to demonstrate that their teaching expertise has grown over the relevant period and is consistently at least good.
sustained means maintained continuously over the previous 2 academic years and demonstrated by an overall grade of Level 1 in the appraisals for the 2 years immediately preceding the application for assessment. A lesser period of time can be considered in situations such as maternity or long term sickness. If a teacher is working on a part time basis, the period of time remains 2 years and is not lengthened on a pro rata basis.
sustained means maintained continuously over at least the previous two school years.
More Definitions of sustained
sustained means all or part of the alleged misconduct, as set forth in a complaint or brought to the attention of the Commission through other means, occurred based on a preponderance of the evidence presented, which is defined as more likely than not;
sustained means continuously over a period of 2 terms showing teaching practice which has grown over that period and is now consistently good to outstanding.
sustained means maintained continuously over a period of two school years.
sustained means an effort or activity maintained in a coherent, planed manner over time.
sustained means the police officer committed all or part of the alleged acts of misconduct;
sustained means that all or part of the alleged misconduct, as set forth in a complaint or brought to the attention of the Commission throughother means, including the evaluation, review or investigation of the complaint, occurred, based on a preponderance of the evidence presented, which is defined as more likely than not;
sustained where the investigation determines, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the alleged misconduct did occur;