Examples of Swap Transaction and Pricing Data in a sentence
Tradition SEF may disclose Swap Transaction and Pricing Data relating to publicly reportable Swap transactions to the market participants of Tradition SEF, prior to the public dissemination of such data by an SDR, but no earlier than the transmittal of such data to an SDR for public dissemination.
Tradition SEF shall provide Swap Transaction and Pricing Data to market participants in a form that does not disclose the identities, or otherwise facilitate identification, of the parties to the Swap.
PUBLIC REPORTSCME SDR shall publicly report Swap Transaction and Pricing Data on each publicly reportable swap transaction that is received by CME SDR as soon as technologically practicable after receiving such data from a User, subject to any applicable time delays in Part 43 of the CFTC’s regulations.
Upon reopening after closing hours, CME SDR shall promptly, publicly disseminate Swap Transaction and Pricing Data as provided in Rule 701.
As soon as technologically practicable after discovering or becoming aware of an error or omission in Swap Transaction and Pricing Data that were publicly reported in real-time, CME SDR will publicly report a cancellation of, or correction to, such data.
TIMESTAMPUpon receiving Swap Transaction and Pricing Data relating to a publicly reportable swap transaction from a User, CME SDR shall timestamp the date and time of receipt of such data by CME SDR, to the nearest second, and the date and time, to the nearest second, of public dissemination of such data by CME SDR.
All Required Swap Creation Data and Swap Transaction and Pricing Data reported for a Swap reported by Tradition SEF shall be reported to the same SDR.
Such disclosure of Swap Transaction and Pricing Data relating to publicly reportable Swap transactions shall be made on a non-discriminatory basis among Tradition SEF market participants.
Swap Transaction and Pricing Data shall be publicly reported in a manner and format consistent with Part 43 of the CFTC’s regulation.
Examples to Illustrate the Public Reporting of Real-Time Swap Transaction and Pricing Data 5.