System Operation Agreement definition
Examples of System Operation Agreement in a sentence
Interaction with other agreements This Annex is part of the System Operation Agreement.
The consequences of applying this method include: extensive documentation for the participants to review in the form of audio and video recording, notes and other material compiled by the meeting facilitator; extensive review of the documentation led by the meeting chair at key points in the meeting; and an imperative to engineer the environment to help participants recall design decisions.
The principles for determining the transfer capacities in the Nordic power market and margins are described in the System Operation Agreement between the Nordic TSOs which is a part of the Nordic Grid Code.
The principles for determining the capacities and margins are described in the System Operation Agreement between the Nordic TSOs. The System Operation Agreement is a part of the Nordic Grid Code, and can be found at operations-reports/nordic/Pages/default.aspx.
In August 1998, the Company entered into a ten-year System Operation Agreement, with five year renewal options, with Star Choice Communications, Inc.
The existing Nordic System Operation Agreement requires that ‘The activation of the frequency controlled disturbance reserve2 shall not result in other problems in the power system.
The existing Nordic System Operation Agreement requires that ‘Each subsystem shall have at least 2/3 of the frequency controlled normal operation reserve1 in its own system for potential splitting up and island operation.’.
The separate areas DK1 and DK2 must each be operated in compliance with the neighbouring systems they are part of, specified in the UCTE Operational Handbook [6] and the Nordel System Operation Agreement [7], respectively.Due to these constraints the conditions for some of the ancillary services are slightly different in the two systems, however the fundamental principles and the applicability to distributed resources are the same.
E) The relevant adjustments regarding the Off-take of Natural Gas at an Exit Point in the Interconnected System Operation Agreement concerning this point.
This document is an appendix to the LFCR Annex to the Nordic System Operation Agreement (hereafter referred to as “Nordic SOA”).