Tailings pond definition
Examples of Tailings pond in a sentence
Given the believed significance of airborne Pb dispersal from the Zveçan smelter, the Gornje Poljewaste dump, the Zharkov Potok Tailings pond and the disused chemical factory, house dust samples were collected from the Osterode (n = 2) and Cesmin Lug (n = 2) camps and from Roma Mahalla (n = 3).
Rule 179 — Tailings pond in leaching operations shall be properly provided with adequate enclosures to prevent unauthorized entry.
Tailings pond design criteria favored a disposal pond that eliminated process effluent through seepage, maximizing tailings storage while decreasing water storage and handling requirements.
The flow pathways for the earlier flow configuration are shown in Figure 4.2. In December 2001, the pumping configuration was changed to simplify the operations, and reduce the potential for freezing between the point of discharge and the Northwest Tailings pond.
Tailings pond supernatant (reclaim water) will be pumped back to the processing water tank using vertical pumps on a barge.The CIP tailings pond will receive tailings from the cyanide destruction circuit.
The Tailings pond or Long Lake Containment Facility is where a mix of very fine ground kimberlite and water, sewage sludge and mine water is deposited.
Tailings pond simulations were conducted for ten days on 01–10 May 2018 (late spring) and on 14–23 February 2019 (winter), respectively.
Tailings pond number two (2): (1) The dam showed no significant evidence of erosion or visible signs of seepage.
Tailings pond foundations and impoundment structures are heterogeneous and composed of materials of different hydraulic properties (from permeable sand to low permeability clay).
Tailings pond (TP) 3 which is situated in the Mailuu Suu river valley, is unstable under seismic loads.