Tariff Class means the different classes of tariff applying as between metered and unmetered Non-Domestic Connections (with four separate classes for Metered Connections and two separate classes for unmetered Connections).
Tariff Class means the set of vehicles treated similarly by a Toll Charger;
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with the Access Arrangement; Third Party Claims means a demand, claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person by a third party, however arising and whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent; TJ means one terajoule and is equal to one thousand GJ; TRS means trunk receiving station; Volume means volume of Gas measured in cubic metres (m3) at actual conditions converted to Standard Conditions using either a flow corrector forming part of the Measuring Equipment or an algorithm determined by the Service Provider, acting reasonably; Volume Customer Delivery Point means a Delivery Point assigned to a Volume Tariff (except a Volume Tariff which includes a Demand Charge) and as set out in the Volume Customer List;
Examples of Tariff Class in a sentence
Where assignment criteria for a Tariff Class depends upon the location of the Delivery Point, the following location criteria will be used.
If omitted then the Tariff Class is not described by reference to a tariff category.
If equal to 0, or omitted, then the Tariff Class is not described by reference to a specific part of the Network.
The Service Provider may refuse such a nomination by a User or Prospective User if it does not consider the Delivery Point to be eligible for the Tariff Class nominated.
Each Tariff Class is allocated a code which is structured using the following format: [G][CAT]-[Location] where: [G] is a single character defining the Customer Group (V for Volume or D for Demand).
More Definitions of Tariff Class
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with the Access Arrangement; Third Party Claim means a demand, claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person by a third party, however arising and whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent; TJ means one terajoule and is equal to one thousand GJ;
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with the Access Arrangement; TJ means one terajoule and is equal to one thousand GJ; Transportation Quantity has the meaning given to that term in clause 3.4(b)(iii);
Tariff Class means a Tariff Class assigned by a Network Operator to a Delivery Point.
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with the Access Arrangement; Third Party Claims means a demand, claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person by a third party, however arising and whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent; TJ means one terajoule and is equal to one thousand GJ; Transportation Quantity has the meaning given to that term in clause 3.4(b)(iii); TRS means trunk receiving station; Unaccounted for Gas or UAG means Gas purchased by the Service Provider to make up for Gas unaccounted for in the Network; Unauthorised Overrun has the meaning given to that term in clause 6.1;
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with the Access Arrangement; Third Party Claims means a demand, claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person by a third party, however arising and whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent; TJ means one terajoule and is equal to one thousand GJ; Transportation Quantity has the meaning given to that term in clause 3.4(b)(iii); TRS means trunk receiving station; Unauthorised Overrun has the meaning given to that term in clause 6.1; Volume means volume of Gas measured in cubic metres (m3) at actual conditions converted to Standard Conditions using either a flow corrector forming part of the Measuring Equipment or an algorithm determined by the Service Provider, acting reasonably; Volume Customer Delivery Point means a Delivery Point assigned to a Volume Tariff (except a Volume Tariff which includes a Demand Charge) and as set out in the Volume Customer List;
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with the Access Arrangement; Third Party Claim means a demand, claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person by a third party, however arising and whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent; Unaccounted for Commented [A4]: Change made to improve consistency between the Access Arrangement (AA) and the RSA. In the AA, “UAG” means the gas which is lost from the network however the 2015 RSA and the June 2019 RSA used “UAG” to refer to the gas which is purchased to replace lost gas. No change to the concept/operation of the clause. Definition to be re-located in alphabetic order TJ means one terajoule and is equal to one thousand GJ;
Tariff Class means the Tariff Class set out in the Reference Tariff Schedule to which a Delivery Point is assigned in accordance with clause 11.4 or otherwise in accordance with the principles set out in the Reference Tariff Policy; Third Party Claims means a demand, claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person by a third party, however arising and whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent; Transitioned Access Arrangement means the AGL Gas Networks Ltd Access Arrangement approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal on 29 April 2005, and designated as a 'transitioned access arrangement' under Schedule 3 of the National Gas Law; Transportation Quantity has the meaning given to that term in clause 3.4(b)(i).