MEASURING EQUIPMENT. 1. Seller will maintain and operate, at its own, expense and at the point of delivery of gas hereunder, a meter or meters and other necessary equipment by which the volume of gas delivered hereunder shall be measured. Such meters and eqUipment shall remain the property of the Seller, 2. Buyer agrees to furnish to Seller electricity for operating Seller's meters, at not cost to Seller. 3. agrees to change the charts on Seller's meters at no cost to Seller and forward same to Seller 4. Buyer hereby grants to Seller suitable rights-of-way and easements necessary or incidental for the installation, maintenance, operation and removal of pipeline and other facilities togetherw!th rights of ingress thereto and egress there from at 011 times and hereby agrees to deliver to Seller, for the sum of one dollar ($1.00), an appropriate instrument or grant defining such rights and easements located on Buyer's plant site. 5. Buyer may install, maintain and operate such check measuring equipment, including a recording gravitometer and calorimeter as it shall desire, provided that such equipment shall be so installed so as not to interfere with the operation of Se!ler's measuring equipment at or near the point of deliver. However, all xxxxxxxx to the Buyer shall be based on the metering of the Seller, subject only to the provisions of Paragraph 8 of this Article, 6. Each party shall have the right to be present at the time of any installing, reading, cleaning, changing, repairing, inspecting, testing, calibrating, or adjusting done in connecUon with the other's measuring equipment used in measuring deliveries hereunder and each party shall advise the other of any intended major maintenance operation sufficiently in advance in order thai the other pal1y may conveniently have its representative present. 7. All installation of measuring equipment. applying to or effecting deliveries hereunder, shall be made in such manner as to permit an accurate determination of the quantity of gas delivered and ready verification of the accuracy of measurement. Orifice meter installations, if used, shall conform to the recommendation for design and installation contained in the Gas Measurement Committee Report No.3 to the American Gas Association pubiished April, 1955, and any modifications and amendments thereof and shall include the use of connedons. 8. Measurement on Seller's meter or meters shall be conclusive of both parties except where the meter is defective or fails to register, or i...
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MEASURING EQUIPMENT. 1. Sellerwillmaintainand operatea, titsown,expenseandat thepointofdeliveryofgas hereundera, meteror meters andothernecessaryequipmenbt ywhichthevolumeofgas delivered hereundershallbe measured.Such meters andequipmenst hallremaintheprope_ ofthe Seller. 2. Buyeragreesto furnishtoSellerelectricityfor operatingSeller'smeters,at notcostto Seller. 3. Buyeragreestochangethe chartsonSeller'smeters at nocostto Sellerandforward sameto Seller. 4. BuyerherebygrantstoSellersuitablerights-of-wayandeasementsnecessaryor incidentaflor the installationm, aintenanceo,perationandremovalof pipelineandotherfacilities togetherwithrightsofingresstheretoand egress there from atall times andherebyagreesto delivertoSeller,forthe sumofonedollar($t.00), anappropriateinstrumenot rgrant definingsuchrightsandeasementsIocatad onBuyer'splantsite. 5. Buyermay installm, aintainandoperatesuchcheckmeasuringequipmentincludinga recordinggravitometerand calorimeteras itshali_-_sirep, rovidedthat suchequipmenst hallbeso installedso asnot to interferewth the operationof Seller'smeasuringequipmentat or near the point ofdeliver. However,allbi!!ingsto thc;-Buyershallbe based onthe metering ofthe Seller, subjectonlyto theprovisionsof Paragraph8 of this Article. 6. Each partyshallhavethe rightto be presentat the time of any installing,reaaing, cleaning,changing, repairing,inspecting,testing,celibmting,or adjustingdone in connectionwith the other's measuringequipmenutsed in measuringdeliverieshereunderand eachpartyshalladvise the otherof any intendedmajormaintenanceoperationsufficientlyin advancein order that the other partymayconvenientlyhaveits representativepresent. 7. All installationof measuringequipment,applyingto oreffectingde!iverieshereunder,shallbe madein suchmanner as to permitan accuratedeterminationof the quantityof gasdelivered andready-_ ofthe.accuracyof measurement. Orifice meterinstallations,if used, shallconformto the recommendationfor designand installationcontainedinthe Gas MeasurementCommitteeReportNO.3 to the AmericanGasAssociationpublishedApril,1955,and anymodificationsand amendmentsthereof and shallincludethe useof flange 8. Measuremenot n Sellersmeteror meters shallbeconclusiveof both parUesexceptwherethe meterisdefectiveor failsto registeror if foundinerror,ineitherofwhichcaseSeller shall repairor replacethe meterandthequantibyofgas deliveredwhilethemeterwas outoforderor failed to registershallbe estimated(:a);.;y usingthe registrationof anycheckmeterif installedandaccuratelyreg...
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. 1. Sellerwillmaintainandoperate,at itsown,expenseandatthe pointof deliveryofgas hereundera, meteror metersandothernecessaryequipmenbt ywhichthe volumeof gas delivered hereundesr hallbe measured.Suchmetersand equipmensthallremainthe propertyof the Seller. 2. Buyeragreesto furnishto Sellerelect_cityfor operatingSeller's meters, atnotcostto Seller. 3. Buyeragreesto changethe chartsonSeller'smeters at no costto SellerandfoneardsametoSeller. 4. BuyerherebygrantstoSellersuitablerights-of-wayandeasementsnecessary orincidentalforthe installationm, aintenanceo,peration andremovalofpipelineand otherfacilities togetherwithrightsof ingresstheretoand egressthere from at all times and herebyagreesto deliver to Seller,forthe sum of one dollar ($1.00),an appropriateinstrumentor grant definingsuchrights andeasementslocatedon Buyer's plant site. 5. Buyer mayinstall,maintainandoperatesuchcheck measuringequipment,includinga recordinggravitometarand caledmeteras it shall desire,providedthat such equipmentshallbe so installedso as notto interferewiththe operationof Seller'smeasuringequipmentat or near the pointof deliver. However,all billingsto the Buyershall be based on the meteringof the Seller, subjecot nly to theprevisionsof Paragraph8 of this Ar'dcle. 6. Each partyshallhavethe rightto be presentat the time of any installing, reading,cleaning,changing, repairing,inspecting,testing,calibrating,or adjusting done in connectionwiththe other's measuringequipmentusedin measuringdeliverieshereunder and eachpartyshall advisethe other of any intendedmajormaintenanceoperationsufficientlyin advance inorder that theother partymayconvenientlhyave its representativepresent. 7. All installationof measuringequipmenta, pplying to or effectingdeliverieshereunder,shallbe madein such manneras to permitan accuratedeterminationof the quantityof gasdelivered and readyverificationofthe accuracyof measurement. Orificemeter installations,if used, shallconformto the recommendationfor designand instellationcontainedin the Gas MeasurementCommitteeReport No. 3 to theAmerican Gas AssociationpublishedApril, 1955,and anymodificationsand amendmentsthereofand shall includethe use of flange 8. Measuremenotn Seller'smeteror metersshallbeconclusiveof both partiesexceptwherethemeter isdefectiveor fails toregister,orif found inerror,in eitherof whichcase Sellershall repairor replacethe meterandthe quantityof gas deliveredwhilethe meterwas outof orderorfailed toregistershallbe estimated:(a)By usingthe registration...
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. The test wheel position on the trailer or the tyre test vehicle shall be equipped with a rotational wheel velocity measuring system and with transducers to measure the braking force and vertical load at the test wheel. General requirements for measurement system: The instrumentation system shall conform to the following overall requirements at ambient temperatures between 0 °C and 45 °C: (a) Overall system accuracy, force: ±1.5 per cent of the full scale of the vertical load or braking force; (b) Overall system accuracy, speed: ±1.5 per cent of speed or ±1.0 km/h, whichever is greater.
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. The vehicle shall be fitted with a sensor suitable for measuring speed on a wet surface and distance covered between two speeds. To measure vehicle speed, a fifth wheel or non-contact speed-measuring system shall be used. The following tolerances shall be respected: (a) For the speed measurements: ±1 per cent or ±0.5 km/h whichever is greater; (b) For the distance measurements: ±1 x 10-1 m. A display of the measured speed or the difference between the measured speed and the reference speed for the test can be used inside the vehicle so that the driver can adjust the speed of the vehicle. A data acquisition system can be also used for storing the measurements.
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. The receiver shall have a relative spectral sensitivity in substantial agreement with the relative spectral luminous efficiency for the ICI7 standard photometric observer for photopic vision. The sensitive surface of the receiver shall be covered with a diffusing medium and shall have at least twice the cross-section of the light beam emitted by the optical system. If an integrating sphere is used, the aperture of the sphere shall have a cross- sectional area at least twice that of the parallel portion of the beam. The linearity of the receiver and the associated indicating instrument shall be better than 2 per cent of the effective part of the scale. The receiver shall be centred on the axis of the light beam.
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. The measuring equipment shall be equivalent to that used during headlamp approval tests.
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MEASURING EQUIPMENT. 1. Seller will maintain and operate, at its own, expense and at the point of delivery of gas hereunder, a meter or meters and other necessary equipment by which the volume of gas delivered hereunder shall be measured. Such meters and equipment shall remain the property of the Seller. , 2. Xxxxx agrees to furnish to Seller electricity for operating Seller's meters, at not cost to Seller,
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. 4.3.1. A sensor suitable for measuring speed and distance covered on snow/ice surface between two speeds must be used. To measure vehicle speed, a fifth wheel or non-contact speed-measuring system (including radar, GPS …) shall be used. 4.3.2. The following tolerances shall be respected: (a) For speed measurements: ±1 per cent (km/h) or 0.5 km/h whichever is greater. (b) For distance measurements: ±1 x 10-1 m 4.3.3. A display of the measured speed or the difference between the measured speed and the reference speed for the test is recommended inside the vehicle so that the driver can adjust the speed of the vehicle. 4.3.4. For Acceleration test covered in paragraph 4.7. below, a display of the slip ratio of the driven tyres is recommended inside the vehicle and shall be used in the particular case of paragraph below. The slip ratio is calculated by (a) Vehicle speed is measured as defined in 4.3.1. above (m/s) (b) Wheel speed is calculated on a tyre of the driven axle by measuring its angular velocity and its loaded diameter Where, π = 3.1416 (m/360deg), the loaded diameter (m) and the angular speed (revolution per second = 360 deg/sec). 4.3.5. A data acquisition system can be used for storing the measurements.
MEASURING EQUIPMENT. The measuring equipment shall be equivalent to that used during headlamp approval tests. A standard (reference) filament lamp shall be used for the photometric verification.
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