Examples of Technical Reports in a sentence
Technical Reports are detailed documents covering specific areas of analysis or scientific specializations within the overall project.
These publications can be based on Technical Reports, depending upon the relevance, scientific worth, etc.
Where necessary this Reports List will be revised and updated, and included in subsequent APRs. Technical Reports may also be prepared by external consultants and should be comprehensive, specialized analyses of clearly defined areas of research within the framework of the project and its sites.
Payment of Customs Duty – select one box onlyDEFCON 619A - Customs Duty Drawback Issue of Certificate in accordance with EU (Council) Regulation 150/2003 Progress Reports required (Schedule 1 Clause 2)If ticked, progress reports must utilise the current version of DRRS Format Standards for Scientific and Technical Reports Prepared forthe United Kingdom Ministry of Defence.
The project team will determine if any of the Technical Reports merit formal publication, and will also (in consultation with UNDP, the government and other relevant stakeholder groups) plan and produce these Publications in a consistent and recognizable format.