Technical Working Committee definition
Examples of Technical Working Committee in a sentence
The Department Order specifies the composition of the Technical Working Committee for the Acquisition of Sites/Rights-Of-Way for the department’s Infrastructure Projects.
TIPNG has also been designated by the Minister for Treasury as the lead civil society organisation coordinating the civil society stakeholder participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) process, and is also on the Technical Working Committee for the Papua New Guinea Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC).
The WCF Board of Directors works closely with the WCF Technical Working Committee (TWC) that is charged with planning and driving the implementation to reach CocoaAction’s goals through company programs.
There is a Technical Working Committee which ensures that issues raised at all levels are addressed in a holistic manner.
In addition Caltrans developed an ICI Technical Working Committee which consisted of representation of all the functional divisions at Caltrans Headquarters.
The Directorate is supported by the Inter-Agency Technical Working Committee (IATWC) which draws its membership from Government MDAs, CoG, KEPSA, SDGs Kenya Forum, Parliamentary SDGs Caucus, United Nations Country Teams, National Youth Council and academia.
A Technical Working Committee from the Provincial Government and Provincial Field Offices of the 4 National Agencies: Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Agriculture, Department of Agrarian Reform and the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, was created.
There will be a National Technical Working Committee (NTWC) composed of experts from relevant Ministries which will meet on a monthly basis.
The Tripartite Commission shall establish a Technical Working Committee on Voluntary Repatriation to assist it in discharging its responsibilities.
In addition to the LPRAP submission, the CMs and C/MLGOOs are required to pass prescribed forms to the DILG Provincial Office as proof of compliance with the BUB participatory process.DILG will consolidate the submitted LPRAPs, and the DILG Regional Director or the Assistant Director will call the RPRAT Technical Working Committee (TWG) to review and validate the proposed projects.