Television Production definition
Examples of Television Production in a sentence
The scale minimum wages for Long-form Television, Canadian Domestic Television Production and Pilots shall be eighteen percent (18%) less than the applicable Feature Film Rates in Appendices “A,” “B” and “C” of the Master Agreement.
The programmes include the Business Process Services programme, and the Film and Television Production Incentive Support Programme for South African and foreign productions.
Lease Agreement, effective as of January 1, 2008, entered into by and between Beijing Guang’er Gaozhi Film and Television Production Company Ltd.
Through this component of the Television Production Assistance Program, the Quebecor Fund aims to support the creation of intellectual property in adapting a television series as a format or developing Canadian television formats or concepts from an original idea.
The electronic application deadlines for the Television Production Assistance Program are on the first business day following April 1 and October 1 of each calendar year at 5:00 PM, unless otherwise specified on the website.
The electronic application deadlines for the Television Production Assistance Program are on on the first business day following April 1 and October 1 of each calendar year, at 5:00 PM, unless otherwise specified on the website.
In order to provide South African film production with initial cash-flows that are designed to operate as a catalyst for investment, the DTI provides an incentive for eligible films (called the South African Film and Television Production and Co-Production Incentive, which became operative on 30 June 2004).
Television Production Parking: Must accommodate parking for two television production trucks and one satellite truck.
CompanyTerrifying Movie Inc.Fund nameNova Scotia Film & Television Production Incentive FundType of assistanceIncentiveAgreement dateFebruary 24, 2016Agreement business activitiesProject expenditures in Nova Scotia.
In respect of the first requirement, the production must qualify as a feature, documentary or animation as defined by the DTI programme guidelines (see DTI programme guidelines for South African Film and Television Production and Co-productions issued 28 January 2008).