Examples of Test and repair in a sentence
Test and repair facilities may offer a wide range of repairs and services for the convenience of their customers.
Daga, "Test and repair of embedded flash memories," IEEE International Test Conference, 2002, pp.
Also, there is no system in place to allow for the electronic lodgment of ICDs, meaning that couriers often find it cheaper to lodge electronic formal entries even when the less formal ICD route is available.From 1 August 2000 express couriers will enter some low value consignments under the new High Volume, Low Value (HVLV) scheme.
In addition to having the capability to perform the job functions listed in paragraph (d)(1)— Test and repair headsets.
Test and repair or replacement shall be performed within 30 days from receipt of notice to test.
Test and repair garages are very conven- ient for vehicle owners and easy to set up for the Au- thority but in practice are proving to be highly flawed.
Paedofaith: A Primer on the Mystery of Infant Salvation and a Handbook for Covenant Parents (Monroe, LA: Athanasius Press, 2005); and Rich Lusk, “Baptismal Efficacy and Baptismal Latency: A Sacramental Dialogue,” Presbyterion 32/1 (Spring, 2006): 36.grace, to the reception of children of the covenant at the Lord’s Table.
Coordinate with utility and pipeline owners Contractor Prior to Inundation Potential Impact Mitigation Measure Monitoring/Reporting Action Responsible Party Timing UTL-MM-4: Test and repair or replace pipelines that have the potential for failure.
Test and repair information is maintained at the backflow device level.
Test and repair as necessary all exterior drive/parking lighting fixtures, provide any new bulbs needed for these lights.