Examples of Testing agent in a sentence
These tests have to be conducted in presence of the Technical consultants / Agents of National Test House at currency chest / branch / Testing agent Laboratory .
These tests have to be conducted in presence of the Technical consultants / Agents of National Test House at currency chest / branch / Testing agent Laboratory.
For purpose of electrical work, a Witness shall be either a) design consultant,b) King County inspector, c) Third Party Testing agent or d) Commissioning Agent.
The Q.C. Testing agent shall comment on the suitability of all subgrades, and the subgrades shall be acceptable to the Q.A. Agency.
Testing agent must have current ACI-CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification credentials.
Name of test conductor.[4] Respirators selected (indicate manufacturer, model, size and approval number).(5) Testing agent Quantitative Fit Test Procedures1.
A Parent/Guardian will be contacted by phone by the Testing agent upon a positive result.
A one-gallon sample in a sealed plastic bag or container shall be packaged and sent to the Owners Testing agent by overnight delivery.
Such notes shall be classified as unfit.Detailed Procedure For Conducting Different Tests On Heavy Duty Note Sorting Machines (HDNSM).These tests have to be conducted in presence of the Technical consultants / Agents of National Test House at currency chest / branch / Testing agent Laboratory.
The Testing agent shall furnish all equipment, instruments and personnel required to conduct tests.