The Base Index definition
The Base Index. The Index in respect of the month of October 2009, as published on November 15, 2009;
The Base Index the Index known on the date recorded in the heading to the Agreement on the date on which it is signed.
The Base Index the last Conamounter Price Index known on the aforesaid Transaction Approval Date.
Examples of The Base Index in a sentence
The "Base Index" shall be the Index published for the month the Lease commences.
The Base Index is the month one year before the Current Index Month.
The Base Index shall be the Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), as published by the United States Department of Labor for November 2001 (Base Index of 100).
The "Base Index" will be the index published for the month in which the project is let.
The Base Index shall be the Consumer Price Index for December 2000, and the Comparison Index shall be the Consumer Price Index for each December during the primary term of this Lease.
More Definitions of The Base Index
The Base Index. The Consumer Price Index in respect of the month of October which was published on November 15, 2006.
The Base Index meaning: The index known at the time of entry into force of Special Framework Agreement No. between the Framework Supplier and Ayalon Highways Ltd, i.e., the index for the month of _ published on [date] _. Linkage differentials will be calculated in the following manner: If it becomes clear that from the last known index at the date of actual payment under this guarantee (hereinafter: the "Payment Index") that the payment index has increased compared to the base index, then the amount of the guarantee will be calculated when increased by the same rate as the index increase. For the avoidance of doubt, if it becomes clear that the payment index is equal to or lower than the base index, then no change in the amount of the guarantee will apply.
The Base Index. The index in respect of the month of July 2009, as published on August 14, 2009;
The Base Index. - means the last known index on the date of grant of the loan.
The Base Index. As specified in the Special Conditions Appendix Appendix "A";
The Base Index. The April 2014 index that will be published on May 15, 2014.
The Base Index meaning: The index known on the date in which the Agreement between you and the Service Provider takes effect.