Examples of The GLA in a sentence
The GLA or the Lead Grant recipient has the right to take any complaint to the relevant professional body.
The GLA levy is authorised by the Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 (the “BRS” Act).
The GLA is the only major preceptor on the 32 London Boroughs and City of London Corporation.
The GLA transfers an amount equal to its income receivable in respect of the Crossrail project once recognised in the financial year (net of administrative expenses incurred by it and the 33 billing authorities in London) from its General Fund to its Business Rate Supplement Revenue Account.
The GLA has recognised all revenue expenditure (including interest incurred on that element of its contribution financed by borrowing) relating to its contribution towards the Crossrail project as expenditure in the relevant service revenue account(s) as it is incurred.
The GLA aims to promote the use of information and communications technology as an effective means of working.
The GLA is empowered to levy a business rate supplement under the Business Rate Supplements Act 2009.
The GLA or the Lead Grant recipient may obtain an explanation of the mechanisms that operate in respect of a complaint to the ICAEW at https://www.icaew.com/en/about- icaew/act-in-the-public-interest/complaints-process or by writing to ICAEW Professional Conduct Department , Metropolitan House, 321 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 2FZ.
The GLA or the Lead Grant recipient may obtain an explanation of the mechanisms that operate in respect of a complaint to the ICAEW at www.icaew.co.uk/complaints or by writing to ICAEW Professional Standards Office, Silbury Court, 412-416 Silbury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2AF.
The GLA receives amounts in respect of BRS from billing authorities during the year based on a provisional estimate at the start of the year net of reliefs, borough collection costs and a 5% contingency allowance.