The Treasurer shall receive and give, or cause to be given, receipts and quittances for monies paid in on account of the Corporation and shall payout of the funds on hand all just debts of the Corporation of whatever nature when due.
I have my report here dated September 24, 2020, for the Minor Site Plan Committee review.
To provide a high resolution of data for comparison, Hannaford collected submetered electric data at each compressor rack, (as well as the gas cooler and glycol pump for the TC CO2 system) at five-minute intervals, continuously, for one year.
THAT THE SAID UNIT AND THE PROPERTIES APPURTENANT THERETO hereby sold granted and conveyed or expressed or intended so to be is now free from all encumbrances, charges, mortgages, liens, trust and/or lispendens made or suffered by the Vendor and the Developer or any person or persons having lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest therein through under or in trust for the Vendor and the Developer.
THAT notwithstanding any act deed matter or thing whatsoever by the Vendor done or executed or knowingly suffered to the contrary the Vendor is now lawfully rightfully and absolutely seized and possessed of and/or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to THE SAID UNIT AND THE PROPERTIES APPURTENANT THERETO hereby granted sold conveyed transferred assigned or intended so to be and every part thereof for a perfect and indefeasible estate of inheritance without any condition trust or encumbrances .
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