This year definition

This year means the year ended 31 March 2005 “Last year” means the year ended 31 March 2004 “Next year” means the year ending 31 March 2006
This year means the financial year ending with 30 June
This year means the year ended June 30 2009; ‘last year’ means the year ended June 30 2008; ‘next year’ means the year ending June 30 2010.

Examples of This year in a sentence

  • This year will provide a general introduction to your chosen subject preparing you for the following three years of study.

  • This year the Phoenix Union High School District will adopt a basic student textbook and/or comparable digital resources and materials for the courses stated in the RFP.

  • This year, the WED has been dedicated to Deserts and Desertification and has included a side event on "Tourism in the Deserts: a Challenge for Sustainability".The Sustainable Development of Tourism Department of UNWTO has completed the preparation of a guide on policies and tools for tourism in desert areas, which will be published by the end of 2006, declared by the UN as the International Year of Deserts and Desertification.

  • This year you'll report on the same cohort at 12 months (Jan - Mar 2021) and 18 months later (July - Sept 2021).

  • This year you'll report on the number of children at the start of the cohort (Jan - Mar 2020) and six months later (July - Sept 2020).

More Definitions of This year

This year means the first four months of 2010.
This year s means” refers to expected revenues during the fiscal year emanating from taxes for- mally levied in the same year; “last year’s means” refers to taxes levied in previous years but col- lected this year. According to Åmark (1961, p. 99), there may be some double counting because not all “this year’s means” will actually be collected during the year and thus appear later as “last year’s means”. In principle, there should be no double counting because the instructions for the construction of the budget entailed estimating the likely actual collection based on previous experience. Åmark argued that the revenue calculation was more likely to overestimate than underestimate and thus there is probably some double counting.
This year means the natural year in which Party B has received the "Agreement Signing Statement" and latest sufficient payment from Party A, subject to both conditions being met.
This year s theme embodies what it means to be a registered nurse every day,” said ANA President Rebecca M. Patton, MSN, RN, CNOR. “Today’s nurses make the ultimate sacrifice on a daily basis to provide expert care during times of disaster and crisis; we want to honor the men and
This year s theme embodies what it means to be a registered nurse every day,” said ANA President Rebecca
This year s budget means that not only are we delivering on those pledges, and seeing the continuation of policies that are helping transform the social conditions of the people
This year here means August 2013 – July 2014 (data was collected in August 2014).