Examples of Throughput Percentage in a sentence
In compliance with Department of Labor Regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, no qualified handi- capped individual shall be discriminated against in admission or access to any program or activity.
Generate a Schedule Health Report that includes the following information: Number of incomplete activities with missing logic; Finish–to-Start Percentage; Number of incomplete activities with negative float; Number of incomplete activities with high duration; Throughput Percentage.
Except where: ▪ we exercise any of our rights to close out a Contract; or▪ a Contract closes automatically; it is your responsibility to decide whether you wish to deal at those prices.
We have created a novel metric, ETP (Effective Throughput Percentage), that accurately captures the importance of operators based on congestion and contribution to overall throughput.
Similarly, for scale-in, Stela carefully selects which machine(s) to remove in a way that minimizes the overall detriment to the application’s performance.To select the best operators to give more resources when scaling-out, Stela uses a new metric called ETP (Effective Throughput Percentage).
The reports of the survey respondents were not verified by the researchers.
For example, if the reporting period is April 2002 - November 2002 and Summer Throughput Percentage is reported as 90, we would default Spring Throughput Percentage to 5 and Fall Throughput Percentage to 5.
For example, if the Start and End Dates are April 2002 - August 2002, then only Spring and Summer Throughput Percentages should be reported and we would default the invalid fields to Spring Throughput Percentage of 40 and Summer Throughput Percentage to 60.