Tier III offense definition

Tier III offense means 1 or more of the following:
Tier III offense means a violation of, attempted violation of, or conspiracy to violate:
Tier III offense means a violation of any of the following:

Examples of Tier III offense in a sentence

  • Unique, serious, or multiple offenses may result in the offense being considered a Tier III offense.

  • Any offense similar to those listed in subdivisions 1 through 4 a Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III offense under the laws of any foreign country or any political subdivisionthereof or the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and 6.

  • A Tier I offense includes an element involving a sexual act or sexual contact with another or any sex offense, for which a person has been convicted in a state, local, foreign, and/or tribal jurisdiction, or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such an offense that is not a Tier II or Tier III offense.

  • A Tier I offense includes an element involving a sexual act or sexual contact with another or any sex offense, for which a person has been convicted in a state, local, foreign, and/or tribal jurisdiction, or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such an offense under the tribal code that is not a Tier II or Tier III offense.

  • Any veteran or any member of the household that is subject to the lifetime registration requirement (Tier III offense) under any state sex offender registration program.

  • Tier I offense" as defined in this section, "Tier II offense" as defined in this section, "Tier III offense" as defined in this section, and "murder" as defined in this section includes any similar offense under the laws of any foreign country or any political subdivision thereof or the United States or any political subdivision thereof.

  • Any military offense specified by the Secretary of Defense under Section 115(a)(8)(C)(i) of Public Law 105-119 (codified at 10 U.S.C. § 951 note) that is similar to those offenses outlined in Section 4.03(c)(1), (2), or (3) shall be considered a Tier III offense.

  • A child twelve years of age but less than fourteen years of age who has been adjudicated delinquent by a family court in this State for any Tier III offense may be required to register in the discretion of the Family Court.

  • Unless otherwise covered by a Tier III offense, any sex offense that is not the first sex offense for which a person has been convicted in a state, local, foreign, and/or tribal jurisdiction, and is an offense punishable by more than one (1) year imprisonment, is considered a Tier II offense.

  • Nonetheless, because the IDSI conviction constituted a Tier III offense under the original version of SORNA, the trial court informed Witmayer that he was obliged to register as a sexual offender and comply with SORNA’s terms and conditions for the remainder of his life.

More Definitions of Tier III offense

Tier III offense means a violation of, attempted violation of, or conspiracy to violate:  18.2-48(ii) or (iii), Abduction with (ii) intent to defile, (iii) of Vic under 16 for prostitution Former 18.1-38 Abduction with the intent to defile or, for the purpose of concubinage or prostitution Felony violations of subdivision (2) or (3) of former 18.1-39 that involves assisting or aiding in such an abduction 18.2-61, Rape Former 18.1-44, Rape when such act is accomplished against the complaining witness's will, by force, or through the use of the complaining witness'smental incapacity or physical helplessness, or if the victim is under 13 years of age 18.2-63, Carnal knowledge – victim age 13 or 14 where perpetrator is more than five years older than victim (use actual dates of birth). 18.2-67.1, Forcible sodomy 18.2-67.2, Object sexual penetration 18.2-67.3, Aggravated sexual battery Former 18.1-215 when the complaining witness is under 13 years of age 18.2-67.4, Sexual battery where the perpetrator is 18 years of age or older and the victim is under the age of six 18.2-67.5 (A) or (B), Attempted rape and aggravated sexual battery 18.2-370, Indecent liberties with minor Subdivision (1), (2), or (4) of former 18.1-213 Former 18.1-214 18.2-370.1, Indecent liberties with minor, Supervisory relationship 18.2-374.1, Production, financing etc. of Child Pornography OR  any person convicted under Chapter117 (18 U.S. Code §§ 2421 – 2428) any person convicted for Sex trafficking (18 U.S. Code § 1591) ORA second or subsequent conviction, where the individual was a liberty between such convictions/adjudications, of the following  18.2-63, Carnal knowledge – victim age 13 or 14 18.2-64.1, Carnal knowledge – minor victim 15 years or older, Supervisory relationship Former 18.2-67.2:1, Marital sexual assault (Repealed in 2005) 18.2-90 Burglary with the intent to commit rape OR A second or subsequent conviction, where the individual was at liberty between such convictions, and where the victim is a minor or is physically helpless or mentally incapacitated as defined in § 18.2-67.10, a violation or attempted violation of: 18.2-47(A), Abduction 18.2-67.4, Sexual Battery 18.2-67.5(C), Attempted sexual battery 18.2-48 (i) Abduction with intent to extort 18.2-361, Crimes against nature (sodomy) 18.2-366, Incest 18.2-374.1:1 (C), Possession of Child Pornography subsequent offense ORIf the offense was committed on or after July 1, 2006, and if the person has been convic...

Related to Tier III offense

  • Sex offense means an offense defined as a sex offense in RCW 9.94A.030;

  • Offense means a felony, gross misdemeanor, or crime of moral turpitude.

  • Most serious offense means any of the following felonies

  • Disqualifying offense means a conviction directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the profession. A conviction is directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the profession if either

  • Serious offense means any of the following felonies or a felony attempt to commit any of the following felonies, as now existing or hereafter amended:

  • Criminal sexual activity means the commission of an act as defined in Section 886 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which is the act of sodomy; and

  • Sexual offense means any of the following offenses:

  • Status offense means an act prohibited by law which would not be an offense if committed by an

  • Violent felony means any offense that, if committed by an adult, would constitute a felony and:

  • Felony means a violation of a penal law of this state for which the offender may be punished by imprisonment for more than 1 year or an offense expressly designated by law to be a felony.

  • Addiction means a primary, chronic, neurobiologic disease, with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. It is characterized by behaviors that include the following: impaired control over drug use, craving, compulsive use, and continued use despite harm. Physical dependence and tolerance are normal physiological consequences of extended opioid therapy for pain and are not the same as addiction.

  • Misdemeanor as used in this Code shall mean any offense deemed a violation of the provisions of this Code which is a lesser offense than a felony as defined by state law.

  • School-Sponsored Activity means any activity conducted on or off school property (including school buses and other school-related vehicles) that is sponsored, recognized or authorized by the Board of Education.

  • Criminal offense means a public offense, as defined in Iowa Code section 701.2, that is prohibited by statute and is punishable by fine or imprisonment.

  • indictable offence means a criminal offence (other than a spent conviction as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) for dishonesty, fraud or dealing in drugs.

  • Curricular activity means an activity, course, or program that is:

  • Date of conviction means the date judgment was entered against the individual.

  • Violent offense means a violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030;

  • Drug addiction means a disease characterized by a

  • Co-curricular activity means an activity, course, or program that:

  • Nonviolent offense means an offense which is not a violent

  • Felony Conviction means a conviction within the preceding 24 months of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law and includes conviction of an offense defined in a section of the United States Code that specifically classifies the offense as a felony and conviction of an offense that is classified as a felony under 18 U.S.C. 3559.

  • Regulated Activity means any generation, treatment, storage, recycling, transportation, disposal or release of any Hazardous Substances.

  • Violent criminal activity means any criminal activity that has as one of its elements the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough to cause, or be reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property damage.

  • Criminal street gang-related offense means any felony or

  • Crime means a misdemeanor or a felony.