Level 1 Support means qualifying and logging all Technical Support Incidents, answering technical inquiries via telephone support and email regarding the Work and performing limited diagnostic services.
Relevant Exchange means the Relevant Exchange as specified in § 2 of the Product and Underlying Data.In the case of a material change in the market conditions at the Relevant Exchange, such as a final discontinuation of the quotation of the Underlying at the Relevant Exchange and the quotation at a different stock exchange or a considerably restricted number or liquidity, the Relevant Exchange shall be substituted as the Relevant Exchange by another exchange that offers satisfactorily liquid trading in the Underlying (the "Substitute Exchange"); such exchange shall be determined by the Calculation Agent acting in accordance with relevant market practice and in good faith. In this case, any reference to the Relevant Exchange in the Terms and Conditions of these Securities shall be deemed to refer to the Substitute Exchange.
Level 2 Support means, with the use of technical support specialists: (i) performing Defect isolation, Defect replication and interoperability testing; (ii) performing remote diagnostic services and on-site troubleshooting, if required; (iii) identifying the source of Defects; (iv) developing a reproducible test case for any Defect and documenting the details of such Defect for escalation to Level 3 Support; and (v) developing and implementing Workarounds where reasonably possible.
Level 3 Support means, with the use of backup engineering and technical support staff, isolating Defects and developing Defect corrections including, without limitation, Upgrades.
TARGET2 System means the Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer (TARGET2) system or any successor thereto.
Helpdesk Support means the 24x7x365 centre which shall handle Fault reporting, Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during this contract.
Child support means that part of a Child Restraint System by which the child can be raised within the Child Restraint System.
Support Hours means between 8:30am and 5pm during Monday to Friday excluding standard UK Bank Holidays.
Relevant Change means a change that is or might be detrimental to the interests of an insured person in its scope, level, or amount of treatment, benefits payable or increase to the premiums payable.
SDR means Special Drawing Rights as defined by the International Monetary Fund.
Subsystem means any subset of the System identified as such in the Contract that may be supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned individually before Commissioning of the entire System.