Trading Blackout definition
Examples of Trading Blackout in a sentence
Trading Blackout Periods remain in force until advised by the Company Secretary.
The annual grant of Options to such directors will be made at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on the day of the annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation unless such day is within a Trading Blackout, whereupon such grant of Options will be made on the first business day following the cessation of the Trading Blackout.
Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board will review anticipated upcoming events and determine the requirement if any, for a Trading Blackout Period to be imposed leading up to upcoming events and the appropriate time to institute the Trading Blackout Period.
Designated Persons are permitted to trade in Pharmaxis securities under this policy other than during a Trading Blackout Period, provided they are not in possession of Inside Information relating to Pharmaxis which has not been made public, and they are in compliance with this policy and the law, and they have sought and obtained prior written clearance from the Company Secretary (see Trading Clearances below).
Unless otherwise advised by the Company Secretary, Trading Blackout Periods are in force from the following dates: 1st January 1st April 1st July 1st October Other periods as advised by the Company Secretary in anticipation of reporting dates or significant events.
Those subject to these rules will be notified by the Company’s Compliance Officer and will be provided with a copy of the Company’s Trading Blackout Policy.
The CEO may waive the application of any particular Quarterly Trading Blackout in respect of one or more Personnel and Advisors where the CEO has determined that it is appropriate and such person(s) is/are not privy to undisclosed material information.
The Compliance Officer of the Company may also declare a special Trading Blackout as he/she may deem necessary.
For the purposes hereof, a “Black-Out Period” means that period during which a trading black-out period is imposed by the Corporation, pursuant to its Trading Blackout Policy or otherwise, to restrict trades in the Corporation’s securities by an Option Holder.
Prohibition on Trading During a Trading Blackout Period for Insiders Insiders should not, directly or indirectly through any person acting on their behalf, buy or sell securities of the Organization when there is, or is a potential for, a significant event occurring, or there is information which is available but not due for disclosure until approved by management or a Board of Directors (e.g. quarterly financial information).