Traffic Act definition
Examples of Traffic Act in a sentence
Nobody else has any rights they can enforce under this contract except those they have under the Road Traffic Act.
For the purpose of this Exclusion the expressions “motor vehicle”, “use” and “road”, shall have the same meanings as they are used in Section VI of the Road Traffic Act 1988; or 2 arising in connection with any visits to or work on, any offshore rig or platform.
Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, we will NOT pay:• the costs if covered by another insurance policy;• for proceedings where the driver was under the influence of drink or drugs at the time of the accident.Emergency Medical TreatmentWe will pay for emergency medical treatment that is required under the Road Traffic Act following an accident involving your vehiclecovered by this insurance.
The insurer will pay for emergency treatment fees in line with the Road Traffic Act resulting from an accident covered by this policy.
Any Condition of this Policy and/or of any Endorsement thereon in so far as it is a prohibited condition within the meaning of Part VI of the Road Traffic Act 1961 shall not be a condition affecting the right of any person to recover an amount under or by virtue of the provisions of Section 76 of the said Act.
Where a vehicle is hauling material for use in the contract, in whole or in part, upon a public highway and where motor vehicle registration is required for such vehicle, the respondent will not cause or permit such vehicle to be loaded beyond the legal limit as specified in the Highway Traffic Act, whether such vehicle is registered in the name of the respondent or otherwise.
Currently, persons wishing to undertake the occupation of taxi driver obtain authorisation to do so from the Director General under the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1974 (WA) (RTA).
The Company will indemnify any person as named in the Certificate of Insurance against legal liability under the Road Traffic Act to pay for emergency treatment of injuries caused by or arising out of the use of such vehicle in any territory to which any of the Act applies.
These rules shall be in conformity with the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, or other statutes covering the Company's operation.
If a competitor uses an extension to an existing policy, they will be required to sign a declaration that the cover complies with the requirements of the Road Traffic Act.