Examples of Training authority in a sentence
ARDC is able to provide direction to the specific Department of Education and Training authority for obtaining Department of Education Training and NCRIS logos and associated branding guidelines.
SOLAS has been established as the Further Education and Training authority and has developed a five year strategy for the sector, and the former VECs and FAS training centres have been amalgamated into 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs).
TETA, as the mandated Transport Sector Education and Training authority under the domain of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), therefore appreciates their crucial role as a key enabler and driving force behind South Africa’s economic and social development strategies.
MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS • Service Provider must submit a Media, Information and Communications Technologies Sector Education & Training authority (MICTSETA), accreditation letter (it must reflect, amongst other things, an accreditation number, duration of accreditation, and programmes accredited for.
Burdick Program/Rural Training authority is currently administered and funded through the Indian Health Service of HHS.
TETA, as the mandated Transport Sector Education and Training authority appreciates the critical role they play as key enablers and one of the driving forces behind South Africa’s economic and social development strategy implementation.
Photo: Shannon Van ZylCathsseta put under administrationDorine reinstein THe Department for Higher education and Training has appointed an administrator to take charge of the Culture, arts, Tourism, Hospitality, sport sector education and Training authority (Cathsseta)administration for the next 12 months and has suspended the original Cathsseta accounting authority.The decision comes after the Department of education allegedly commissioned an internal audit draft report by grant Thornton.
At the same time SOLAS, the new Further Education and Training authority, became responsible for the strategic co-ordination and funding of the FET sector nationally.
He proposes to create a review panel to monitor expenditure trends and recommend changes, gives the Director of the Department of Labor and Training authority to consider income and assets of the beneficiaries in determining awards, and includes language that annuity, tuition and one -time death payments may be available up to the current payment levels, eliminating the current guaranteed standard payments.
For any Trades not specifically outlined below, the number of hours shall be those established by the BC Industry Training authority (ITA).