Transfe r definition
Examples of Transfe r in a sentence
Date of Allotment and made fully paidup /Transfer No. of Equity SharesFace value per Share (Rs.)Issue / Acquisit ion / Transfe r priceRs.) * Nature of TransactionsPre- issue shareh olding% Post – issue sharehol ding % Lock-in Period Ple dgeApril 3rd, 201899,40010.0010.00Subscription to MOA M/s.
I encourage all of you to be involved in the work as it comes to completion.
Transfe r made in conformity with an" agreement on which ad valorem dut y has been paid an d suchagreement is produced to the(4) Forcelousure order (5) Memorandu m of lease or promise of or agreement therefor.
SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATIONINTRODUCTION – THE REVISED 2006 TUPE REGULATIONS On 6 April 2006, the revised Transfe r of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (called ‘t he TUPE Regulations’ in thisguidance) come into force.
Transfe r of Serv ice and Effective October and for employees who transfer subsequent to October an whose status is changed from to part-time, shall receive credit for f u l l service and seniority.
The Howard County Public School Syste m Sche dule D - Budge t Transfe r Re portFor the Period Ende d: Fe bruary 2021 (unaudite d) CategoryProgram NameExpe nse TypeBudge tFromToAme nde d Budge tReason: Transfe r funding for adjustme nt of price s for compute r mouse ne e de d for a re place me nt workstation.
Such notice shall include the name and address of the proposed transferee, the number of Units to be Transferred, the terms of the Transfer, the consideration for the Transfe r, if any, and the exemption claimed under subparagraph 4.J above.
FIGURE 3-4Surface Ship Sewage Discharge Hose Assembly TABLE3-1 Ship-to-ShoreSewageTransferEquipment TABLE 3-2Ship-to-Shore Sewage/Oil/Flush Water Transfe r Couplings/Adapters/Hose sDescription MS Number MIL SPEC NS N 4-inch collapsible hose, 50-ft.
See also §483.12, Criteria for Transfer.§483.12 Admission, Transfer, and Discharge Rights §483.12(a) Transfer, and Discharge (1) Definition Transfe r and discharge includes moveme nt of a reside nt to a bed outside of the certified facility whether that bed is in the same physical plant or not.
The Issuer undertakes to make payments in relation to the Notes as set out in these Terms and Conditions and to comply with these Terms and Conditions.